Ch.9 |The Messy Boy with Paint|

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*Watch YouTube video I posted (2nd slide)/Tell me if it works or not.|


I skittishly came out from behind the tree to reveal myself. I waved one hand and mustered out a fake little chuckle.

"Can, what are you doing here?" Pete asked me and raised an eyebrow.

"What are you doing here? I'm just you know observing nature and stuff," I said while not looking him in the eye and looking at the sky. "Pretty wonderful don't you think."

"There he goes agian putting his nose in everybody's business," Tin said and glared at me. "You dirty little eavesdropper."

I was about to say something when Pete beat me to it.

"Please, Tin. I'm not the only who needs to apologize. You need to apologize to him as well," Pete said and nodded his head toward me.

Tin scoffed. "Me? Apologize? I would never  stoop down to that level and apologize to a commoner like him. He's the one that needs to apologize."

Pete shook his head in disappointment and walked toward me and bent down near me.

"Here. Let me help you, Can," Pete said since he saw me struggling putting all the paintbrushes in then bucket.

"Why are you friends with him?" I whispered to Pete. "He's such an asshole. You can do way better. Yes, I'm bad talking about you!" I shouted at Tin who was eyeing us causing him to roll his eyes.

"Can," Pete pleaded me to be quiet.

"Sorry, but it's the truth," I said.

Tin scoffed and said,"Pete are you serious right now? Have some dignity will you. Why are you helping a poor brat like him? Do you want to be poor that badly?"

"Hey! Listen here you ass-" I was cut off by Pete again.

"Can stop. Please ignore him when he says things like that. It's not the real him," Pete said quietly.

"I am one hundred percent sure it is," I said.

"He just says those rude things to make himself look bad on purpose," he added.

I pouted thinking over on what Pete said but once I looked at dry cleaners I bursted out in laughter. Dry cleaners a nice person... please.

"Yeah and I'm still on the team," I joked which backfired on me since it actually hurt me.

"Just believe me on this one," Pete said genuinely and stood up to walk over to Tin.

"This conversation isn't over Tin. I'll text you later," Pete said sadly and left.

I scoffed. "So rude even to his friend. No wonder he's a loner and no one likes him," I said loudly, "I bet not even his parents."

I was still on the ground picking the paintbrushes when all of a sudden it started to get dark.

"What the-? Climate change is real," I said to myself and looked up to the sky.

I gulped at the sight that I was met with. It was not the sky but a boy with anger in his eyes. The most I ever seen in my life. Tin was the cause of the shift of the day. Even the sun was afraid of him.

"What? What are you looking at?" I said cooly and lifted my head ignoring the fear that was starting to build up.

He smirked at me which caught me by surprise since I gulped again. Why did I gulp? It's a rare sight to see the boy smile. Even if it was fake. But that surprise didn't last long since his foot was now faced to my bucket of paints. Now a wave of paints engulfed the once empty cement.

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