Ch.7 |Restroom of Reflection|

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*trigger warning| kinda depressing since it deals with self-hate*

|T i n|

"Come on. Let's just go. He's not worth our time," the money leech said while taking Pete away from me.

"Ae-Ae but..." Pete hesitated and looked back at me. I pleaded with my eyes to stay but he was taken away. He has now closed the door between us that I've taken long to open. My body twitched to get up and go after him but it didn't. It was his choice. I won't be that foolish kid that pleads others to come back to stay with me. I'm tired of that.

"So you're choosing them over me, huh?" I muttered to myself which pained my heart to ever say. But at the same time I saw this coming. Who would ever care for me? I gulped as my throat started to itch. Tears started to form but I was careful not to let one dropped or even be seen. Tears are weakness. I don't like being weak. Nor do I like showing my emotions.

I felt a drip come down from my nose and I checked to see what it was. My finer was painted in red. I hate the sight of blood. It brings back memories I don't like to remember.
Then I remembered who caused this. I looked over to the one that did it. He looked back at me in and scratched his head and looked away from me.

Why didn't I hit him back?

Maybe it was seeing him protect his friends and family with all his heart that made me not want to hit him back. It made me think that I deserved it. It made me wish I also had someone like him...

No, he's a liar Tin. What are you thinking?! He's just like the others...

"Oh honey! Look how they left you! How dare them. Let me see," May asked as she bent down near me.

As she tried to check on me in the corner of my eye I saw that Thai program kid keep on staring at me.

"What are you looking at! What else are you going to steal away from me next, huh?" I told that small-eyed shorty.

I took out my anger or what Pete did to me and tried to put the blame on him but deep down I know it was my fault. And I was also mad that I thought he was a person that could be trusted.  

"What?! I haven't even stole anything from you? You still have your watch..." He pointed with his finger at my watch.

What an idiot. Is that really where our tax payer money goes to.

"Honey~ Let me help you," May said. "Look at how dirty you got," she said while she looked back at the Thai program.

"You really are a bad kid," I heard her tell him. He later just pouted and furrowed his eyebrows.

I felt May hands grab my face making me revolt. One of my top irks is when people touch me. She wasn't an exception nor was anyone but Pete.

"I don't need your help or anybody's help," I said and flicked her hands off. I was taking out my anger and frustration on her as well now.

"Oi~ why are you be like that?!" May stood up and stomped her feet

I ignored her and quickly got off the filthy ground. I don't want to look any more pitiful than I do. I walked pass the Thai program and was careful not to stare at him for it would give away my tears and the last glimpse I had of him was of his mismatched shoes.

May's high heels echoed through the hallways as I made my way to the restroom. When would she ever learn she has no chance with me. She's just a plain annoying girl. I only know her because I met her at a dinner party my father went to and her father is friends with mine. Why do we have to be connected too?

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