Ch. 10|Your Hand Holding Mine|

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It was an early morning and I was spending it with Ai' Good in front of school as I always do everyday. And with everyday came with me eating cantaloupe as I always do to start of my school day. Today was different... I was not eating my beloved fruit as slowly as I do to savor it. My cantaloupe was being eating ravenously and quickly.

Ai' Good could sense this change in behavior and looked at me with worry on his face.

"Woah... calm down Can. You... could choke," Ai' Good warned.

"The only thing that's going to choke is that asshole," I spat my fruit out when I talked which made Ai' Good make a face of disgust.

"...Who?" Ai' Good then later asked and gave me a napkin to wipe my face and hands.

"The boy we ran away from last time, remember? And remember how you broke the plant- The plant! Ai' Good the plant!" I remembered.

"The plant... oh shit." Ai' Good then remembered too.

"You think they've noticed? What if they know it was us? What if they have cameras? What if they catch us and we go to jail for vandalism? What if I never confess to Kat since I'm going to be in jail and she wouldn't want me after that? What is Gucci going to do without me? What-"

"Shhh..." Ai' Good placed his finger on my lips which shut me right up. "Stay calm... Be Good."

"Ai' Good, you know that doesn't work on me," I said. "We need to buy a new plant for them. I feel bad about it and the guilt will be too overwhelming that I'll lose sleep over it."

"Be Good..." Ai' Good said again and closed his eyes and let out a big sigh.

"We have to Ai' Good. Come with me?" I asked him. "Wait a minute... Why am I acting and worrying like I broke it. It was you who broke it Ai' Good."

"I did?" Ai' Good scratched his head.

"Yeah so it's your responsibility but since I'm such a nice friend I'll help you out."

"Thank you... my good friend."

"Since I'm accompanying you now you return the favor. Let's go to the IC parking lot. I need to do something very important. But you have to be really sly and quiet on this mission."
|IC parking lot |

"Why... are we hear?" Ai'Good asked.

"Shhh. Be quiet!" I whispered loudly.

"Can... you were more louder... then me just now. You be... quiet," Ai' Good then shushed me.

"True," I said and shut my lips.

We hid behind a bush to see if Tin's car was really there. It was.

I looked both ways to see if anyone was there. Nobody.

My feet tip toes silently towards Tin car.

"Oh just walk Can," Ai' Good said in frustration.

"Ai'Good be quiet! This is a top secret mission and you're ruining it," I whispered loudly.

Ai' Good gave me his done face and stayed silently to watch me.

I left a sticky yellow note on top of Tin's so I can have a talk with him.

It said:
Me. You. Behind school. 3:47 p.m. IF YOU DON'T COME. BEWARE!!! >:|
-Your worst nightmare (Can)

"Mission complete," I whispered and sighed okay to Ai' Good and he gave me a thumbs up.

Now let's find out if dry cleaners takes the bait.

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