Ch.2 |The lower-class boy|

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|Nurse's Office|

"You're fine to go now Can!" The nurse shouted  from her desk. "Just don't come here ever again. I'm tired of seeing your face," she warned and pointed her pen at me.

I got up from the bed and held up my hands in fear and said,"Oii I won't. I promise. Thanks again," I waied her and went on my way.

"I deserve a raise for seeing his annoying face in here again," she mumbled and messaged her forehead.

"Oh, come on. You know you love my presence,"I said.

She glared at me and said," Just go before I actually give you concussion, huh," she warned and threw the pen at the door before I was quick in shutting it causing me to laugh as I made my way toward the field.

I was off in my way when my bloody tissue that was stuck in my nose dropped to the cement.

"Shit," I mumbled as I bent down to pick it up. Is my nose still bleeding? I touched my nose to see. Nothing.

As I stood up I bumped into something.

"Sorry," I bowed to apologize. When I looked up I was met with a pair of glaring eyes.

Sorryyy. Geez

I bowed again and threw my bloody tissue away and made my way to the practice field not letting this ruin my mood.

"Dirty lower-class boy," the boy mumbled loudly on purpose. I stopped in my tracks and walked up to him as fast as I could.

That asshole is definitely an IC student. No one will insult me like that!

"Excuse me. What did you say?" I asked as mean as I could and lifted up my face partly to seem intimidating and partly because he was taller than me.

"I said watch where your walking dirty lower- class boy," he said and walked closer up to me as he glared into me soul. I gulped. I tried not to look away since that'll mean that I'd lose.

Wow... he's pretty handsome... but with such an ugly attitude.

Fine. I admit he was pretty intimidating but height is nothing when it comes to anger.

Can, come on. Get it together! So what if he's way taller than you. That asshole disrespected you! You can still take him on. Height is nothing.

My anger of that insult ignored all the odds of my winning losing this fight. I clinched my fist. Then I unclenched them and sighed. I can't get another fight then P'No will punish me and won't let me play in the practice match. This fear and worry overweighed everything. But I also just can't let him talk and look down at me.

I leaned in closer and grabbed him by the collar. He didn't flinch.

"You should watch what you say asshole," I warned and made sure to look straight in his unchanging eyes. He looked at my hand in disgust and annoyance.

"I'm sorry am I dirtying your fine uniform," and wiped his left shoulder. And then I pushed him back as hard as I could. He still glared at me. I later walked away since I rather go to practice than waste my time on this daddy's boy.

I heard him again. He scoffed. I looked back to see him wiping off his uniform.

"He dirtied my fine uniform. I'm going to have to get it dried clean. He doesn't get that this suit is a luxury. Something he can't have, understand or ever afford."

"That's it! I hate privileged assholes like you who think they're all that just because they can play with their daddy's money. I bet you never worked a day in your life and know nothing-" I was stopped in mid-rant by P'No's voice.

"Oii," he groaned. "Again your fighting with an IC student. Leave the poor boy alone and come over here before I put you as water boy. I've already talked to you about this," he shouted from the field as he waved with his clipboard.

I am not going to let this dick rob me of the chance of playing in the match and I will not be a waterboy!

I looked over to the snobby IC kid again.

He fixed his black backpack that was being  hung over by one shoulder as he waited for me to continue my rant.

I clicked my tongue. That's not even cool. It's dumb.

"Your lucky my captain is here asshole. This isn't over," I said while lifting my face up and giving him one of my last death glares before stomping away to the field. Good thing he stayed quiet or else...

I clenched my fists in the thought. I should've punched his ugly face in! Probably fixed it up with his family's money.

P'No shook his head in disappointment and put his arm over my shoulders when he saw me.

"Are you cleared? Nothing bad happened?" He questioned.

"Yup. Nothing wrong just like I said P'No," I said.

"Nothing bad with double checking," he was about to hit my head then later stopped himself. "Don't want to give you a concussion... or do I?" He said slyly while raising his eyebrow.

"Oi. I thought you cared," I said and protected my head.

He laughed and later asked.

"Again," he later smiled. "Why do you hate IC kids so much?"he questioned.

"Because I hate people who think they're all that," I said. Actually there's more to it but I don't want to tell anyone about.

"Me too but I don't go picking up fights with everyone," he said.

"Enough talking about those assholes they're not worth my breath. Buy me a meal, yeah? I'm starving. Please P'No," I whined and shook his arm.

"Oi I'm broke from buying you so many meals," he said.

I shook his arm again. "Come on P'No," I whined.

"Fine," he gave in. "But this is the last time."

We all know that's a lie. I always get him to buy me meals.

(A.N): Are people actually reading this? 👀👀👀😂 💀Whateves. Hope you guys are enjoying it...?🤓🤓🤓 (*will re-edit everything to make it less bad)Tin such a dick UWU.

So like when can I get to put ads 🤓on this story?? Jk

I'll upload next chap if I get -5billion views and 205375209 votes.👻🤓

What's on your mind? 🤔

Omggggg the Toy Story 4 teaserrrrrr💖💖😭🔥guess who's excited🔥

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