Ch.12 |The Investigators|

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"So, Can, do you mind telling what the heck is going on?" Ley curiously said and folded her arms waiting for my answer.

"Nothing is going on Ley," I said and walked past her.

That was not true. And my mind was evident of that. My mind kept going to Tin. Of all people why him? The only people I think about is my family, my dog, my teammates, and Kat... oh and cantaloupe.

I scratch my head and groan.

I finally realized why he stayed on my mind like an annoying gum that gets stuck on your shoe. It had barely registered in my mind that he defended me back there with Trump and his friends. That guy can be nice I guess. But still that doesn't dismiss his toxic behavior and everything he has done to me and said. I'm so conflicted...

She stopped me. "Tell me what's going on. Clearly something did Can."

"Nothing happened," I said.

"Fine. Who cares about you. I'm going to ask the real questions now. Why are you hanging out with Tin?" She asked and raised one of her eyebrows.

My eyes widen in surprise and I quickly faced her.

"How do you know him?" I asked. How does my sister know about dry cleaners?!

"Everyone knows him idiot. He's the principal's son and plus he's the hottest boy on campus," she fangirls.

I gagged loudly. "Says who? Even am I better looking in case you haven't noticed," I said and grinned.

That's not true. Well... kinda true. I like complimenting myself to boost my self esteem and self confidence.

Ley stared at me with no expression.

"Don't disrespect Tin like that," she says.

"All you need to know about him is that he's a real asshole under that luxurious well tucked in dried clean uniform of his!" I shouted.

"He is! Oh and once he falls in love with a girl she'll break his cold heart and make him go all soft and mushy," She fangirls again. "I wonder who that lucky girl will be? He always pushes people away and ignores them. I'm scared to go up to him," She sighed.

"Ley you seriously need to set fiction apart from reality! Like I've told a million times! Not everything is like your stories!" I shout.

"But since you know him and seem close to him you can introduce him to me," she squealed.

"Have you not been listening to me? No. I will not let my sister date an asshole like him. I have seen his true nature and believe me you don't want to hang out with him," I said.

Guess I've seen another true nature of his too. A very different one that I've never would've image to see under that luxurious perfectly dried clean uniform.

"Wait! Is he the boy that you've been complaining about all this week?!" She shouted.

"Yes you idiot," I said.

"He is mean... But still he's so handsome!" She says. "He can't be mean?"

"Ley don't make me hit you," I say. "Just because they may be attractive doesn't mean they have a good personality. Looks isn't everything you know?" I preach.

I'm so wise. This doesn't apply to Kat though. She's beautiful inside and out.

"Well enough talking about Tin. Mom is worried about you... even me little bro. You've been so down lately. What's wrong?" Ley asks.

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