Ch. 17 |Monday will Come|

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"Can! Can! Wake up, boy, it's 1 in the afternoon already!" I hear my mom shout. Her footsteps are coming more near and near my room and with each step I'm mentally preparing myself for what's to come.

"Get up already," She nags as she burts through my door.

Why can't someone have a little privacy in this world? I forgot to lock the door dammit after I went to the bathroom.


"Ow mom! But it's the weekend!" I complain as I rub my ass from the pain.

"Weekends are meant to relax and you're stopping me from enjoying my relaxing time," I whine.

My mom always wakes me up early on the weekends when they are suppose to be the days where one should be able to sleep in. That's the whole point of weekends so you can sleep in and game all night.

"Didn't I tell you to stop playing video games until the sun rises. Look, you're getting ugly eye bags," my mom says as she pinches my cheek.

I sigh since it is true. My eyes bags are making me look less tolerable.

But it's not just the games that have been keeping me up. Recently, I have been losing sleep over everything bad that's been happening. I have a big problem with overthinking everything.

"But Ley does it too and you don't get her in trouble," I defend myself.

Psh... double standards. Just because Ley gets good grades.

"Yeah, but she's reading books. And what are you doing? Just gaming and standing close in front of your computer killing your eyesight and your brain cells," she says.

"Uh huh reading..." I say. She just reading or writing her weird books like always. If only my mom really knew how much of a weirdo she is... I roll my eyes.


"Ow. What was that for?" I ask as I rub my head. "You know, if you keep hitting my head I will actually lose brain cells you know," I say.

Is that even true...? Hm who cares. I'm not the scientist type.


"You hear that. Go! Up! Take care of your son and clean up your room. I'm not your maid. And stop leaving your backpack anywhere on the floor. I almost tripped just now," she said as she shuts the door.

Finally she left.

I was about to get up but I just couldn't. I can't start my day without laying on my bed and zoning out on the ceiling for minutes without thinking. That's just my routine I have to go through before I fully wake up.

Done. Now I'm up.

As I grabbed my backpack to put on my hanger I began to notice something... Grandma's key chain that she gave me was missing!

"Shit," I muttered to myself. "Stupid, Can, where did you lose it?"

My heart dropped as I frantically looked all over my room to see if I dropped it anywhere. I tried to mentally retrace my steps and remember all the places I went to recently. It was no where to be found. I began getting worried since my chances of finding it is getting smaller.

"Ley! Ley!" I ran to Ley's room and knocked on her door loudly. "Ley! Open up. Have you seen my keychain?!"

"She's not here, Can! She's out in the world socializing unlike you who's just wasting your life and youth playing games!" My mother shouts from downstairs.

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