Chapter Eight: Confrontation and Drinks

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My jingly keys ran themselves across the metal door handle for my apartment door, allowing me to turn them and pop open the entrance to my home

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My jingly keys ran themselves across the metal door handle for my apartment door, allowing me to turn them and pop open the entrance to my home. I silently walked in, keeping my eyes towards the ground until suddenly I heard a bubbly giggle erupt from the couch area.

I brought my eyes up, scanning the darken apartment until settling upon Aviary. She sat perched up, having her golden hair pinned into a high ponytail as her face was bare of makeup. Her lips had been curved to a joyous grin while her eyes ogled over the man she was sitting on.

I couldn't help but feel the pit of jealousy fuel around my stomach as Jesse peered up to her with that infamous smile of his. He had appeared so much more intimate than ever, having this glint of adoration in his eyes.

So, out of pure spite, I pushed the heavy front door back into its place, watching as they both removed their worshipping eyes from each other and turned their curious heads towards me. I provided a wry smile, immediately dropping it after only a posh second.

Aviary jumped up off of him, circling her eyes and standing up, "I didn't know you were going to be home early today." She had a hint of nervousness in her voice, but solely demonstrating it with her knitted hands.

I rolled my eyes and continued towards the kitchen, feeling the yearning desire to take my turning consciousness away. After all, the stress that implanted itself in my head today was not a mere walk in the park. James had been so fucking attractive, I knew this whole month was going to be torture. It was like he was doing all his mannerisms on purpose, burning me with his beautiful narrowed eyes and licking his plush, pink lips.

Even the way he talked, acquiring this formal, elegance made my head dishevel itself.

Sluggishly, I dropped my bag onto the counter and grabbed one of my favorite wines, knowing it would help take the edge off the day. It was a strong red color, having it's slight undertone of purple peak out when I finally poured it into the glass.

I brought the cool glass up to my lips, taking a sip as Aviary made her presence acknowledged, clearing her throat as I slowly brought the glass away from my lips. Instantly I recognized the grey hoodie she was wearing, remembering wearing it myself to a football game once. Jesse wasn't the most cognitive person there was.

Aviary gazed down to the sweatshirt with realization in her eyes. She uncomfortably shoved her polished hands into the pockets, cringing to herself silently. "So-uh, how was your day? James must have been dashing as usual."

My lips emitted a small grunt, administering a slight roll of my eyes as I dryly gazed at her, "It was fine." It was obvious that I was being short with her, not particularly enjoying her company at the moment.

She was aware of it, discerning the slight drop of her face when my words left my mouth. She liberated a comprehending sigh, trudging her bare feet towards me with a huff. She got rather close to me, leaning in at the slightest, "If it's too much for you, I can tell him to leave."

I examined her face for genuity, before exhaling a soft sigh and running a hand over my face. I knew it wasn't fair to her when I already told her I understood, but the built up feelings of resentment and sorrow seem to always shine through when I see his face-let alone seeing my best friend sitting on his lap.

"I don't care," My voice muttered out but it was deceitful, having the undoubtful undertone of vex echoing through each word.

Aviary presented a under swaying gaze, silently telling me she doesn't believe it. She didn't question it but instead announced in a hushed tone, "I think I'm in love with Jesse."

The shock ran through me like I had just been struck with lightning, setting a muted shiver down my spine. My lips parted and my eyebrows creased in perplexity, puzzled that their relationship would even lead up to this point. He was a cheating asshole, and Aviary was my sweet, goofy best friend. I couldn't imagine it working out for the better.

"Say something," She mumbled, having this stress induced yearning to her facial expression. I opened my lips to say something, but only closed them a minute after, flabbergasted. I sighed and turned away, gripping the wine glass in my fingers before turning and gazing at her again.

"He doesn't even live in Portland, how is that going to work out?"

Aviary shrugs and walks over to the barstools, leaning against the countertop, "He's trying to get a job here because the engineers in San Fran are kind of shitty to him." I hummed understandingly, downing the rest of the wine before pouring some more into the glass.

Silently I gazed at her, discerning the slight plea in her eyes as she so desperately wants me to accept them. Which to be completely transparent, should be the decision I make. After all, Aviary has known the guy since they were little, growing up together because their mother's were close friends.

The first time she introduced me to him was the first day of college. He was walking through the hall with his gym bag on his arm, before stopping and greeting Aviary. He turned to me rather quickly, gazing my up and down with the slight attraction in his eyes. Aviary said that I was her best friend and he nodded, lingering his eyes a little too long. He winked at me before he left that day, and ever since the rest of history.

Aviary always established that she never had an interest in him and that it was okay we dated. However, now I'm starting to think she had a restrained resentment for relationship.

"Aviary, honestly I've been focused on James," I partially deceived again, "I really don't care if you're with him. I'm just afraid that you're going to get hurt and I don't want you to go through that."

Slowly, I watch the beam raise onto her lips and the pure gratefulness she emitted through her eyes, "Thank you, Amelia. I promise I will be cautious." She enveloped me in a big bear hug, almost knocking the glass over on the counter.

I chuckled and squeezed her as well, seeing the glint of happiness range through her eyes. We grabbed the wine bottle and two other wine glasses before departing to the couch. When I plopped down, Jesse gazed at me with a soft smile, turning his eyes to Aviary who hopped over to him with two wine glasses in her hands. She set them down and poured them to the appropriate size, handing one off to him before taking a sip of the other one.

As the night progresses, the intoxication levels do as follows. My vision grew blurred and my speech sort of slurred, but we continued a goofy conversation about the couches we bought. It wasn't until the laughter died down when I became the stereotypical drunk, complaining about James.

"He acts like he doesn't even know me for one second and then the next he's making advancements-" I hiccuped, "-on me! It's so confusing and frustrating."

Aviary giggled but I wasn't finished, "Oh my god, and then there was this cute man that walked in today. He showed a lot of attention in me and James was upset! I mean of course the man was his brother but come on, pick if your interested!"

She gasped, glazing her glossy eyes towards Jesse who had his eyebrows perked up with shock, "You're such a vixen! You're going for his brother now?" She squealed.

I sighed, shaking my jumbled head, "No, no, no, his brother came for me." I pointed a finger to my chest, "He asked if I was single and I was a good girl, just looking to that handsome devil to answer for me."

The rest of the night went by as a blur, slowly slipping away as the night grew old. I ended up falling asleep on the couch while Jesse carried Aviary to bed. The day was too eventful for my own liking.

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