Chapter Fourteen: Jealousy

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Though I had been gifted the image of James's handsome self, the rest of the day was rather stale and tiresome. He had taken me to tons of his meetings which allowed me to solidify the fact that I absolutely hate the business world. I couldn't even understand most of the things they were saying nor could I read their graphs and statistic pages.

The only real amusement I had received was when James would stare at me and wink, or when Ben would make those dumb childish faces. When Ben stood up to present, it was the only time that passed by moderately. He made it so much more interesting and comical, even asking me a question and using me as an example for something I don't even know about.

"I put my number into your phone," James says behind me as I packed up my things. I feel his hand brush the phone into my bag, then skim the side of my thigh rather slowly. "Use it tonight when you're done with Aviary."

"And if I don't?" I tested, turning around with my eyebrow raised.

He stared into my eyes, "I'll have to come and find you."

My lips parted at this in puzzlement, detecting the sincere seriousness emitting from his words. He had this amused smirk on his face, peering down to me. "Be safe tonight, Amelia." He administered a quick wink before adjusting his tie and walking out of the conference room, leaving me sort of winded.

When I arrived home, there was an evident suitcase situated by the door, cognitively explaining the presence of Jesse. I couldn't help but silently roll my eyes at this, knowing how much I wanted this guy to leave. He was just a burden, taunting me with the minor trust issues I acquired from our relationship.

I fully walked into the home to see Aviary walking out of her room with a scowl on her face. "He's so fucking annoying."

"I am aware," I nod my head, placing my bag on the dining room table.

Suddenly, I see his reddish, chocolate hair diverge out of her room and into the corridor. Jesse had this look of amusement on his face when he suddenly noticed me, shamelessly drawing his eyes down my body. I was caught off guard, glancing to Aviary who was turning a shade of red.

"Hey, Amelia," He cocked his lips, leaning his muscular body against the wall. I provided an impartial wave, before making my way to my room.

I didn't want to be in the middle of that.

I tiredly huffed and peeled off my clothes, hearing the bickering through my closed door. I was familiar with that situation, having gone through it way back in college. He was pretty smooth, making everything seem like it was fine, when in reality he was just manipulative.

I pulled on a red dress and some black heels, touching up my makeup and hair. As well, I also happened to make my bed, due to not having time this morning. I nodded to myself, mentally checking off a list and making sure I had everything.

"You guys ready to go? I'm starving," I whined, running my hand over my stomach and glancing at the two standoffish people. Aviary provided a curt nod, grabbing her bag off the counter while Jesse had his arms folded.

This was going to be a long night.

I gripped my clutch and began to follow Aviary out of the door, feeling Jesse's close presence behind me as we walked to the elevators. "Are we ubering?"

Aviary nodded without a word and I couldn't help but grimace to myself. Was she mad at me for being there? Should I have asked her if I should have stayed home. Because if I go this whole night, knowing I could be with James, and it's a bust, I'll be sort of upset.

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