Chapter Eleven: Accept My Apology

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The rain drenched the entirety of the city, eliminating the sunny weather that had been consistent for a little while. It casted this gloomy dullness, reflecting on the average person's mood. I'd say I was one to be influenced by the weather, casting back an equal amount of sunshine, gloominess, or even anger from the heat.

I guess I was controlled by the elements--totally kidding.

However, today was one of the days that I felt gloomy, not only from the weather, but also the previous events.

The day at the office was rather colorless and thorny. When I arrived at his office, I received a fierce glare upon entering, discerning his jaw clenching as his eyes followed me to the sofa I usually plopped down on. When I vigilantly sat down, his angered eyes snapped away and he returned them to his computer, making it aware that he was mad at me.

There was no fight, no brawl, no low blows, just silence. An utterly agonizing silence that bothered me until no end. My whole body tensed at the thickness in the air, feeling this great wave of uncomfortableness lay upon the whole office the entire time. It was suffocating.

So I sat there like a good girl, not acquiring any new knowledge that day until suddenly Ben waltz in with his stylish being, flashing me a charming smile. He told James that he was going to borrow me until the shift was over, seeing as it was coming to a close. James didn't even mutter an agreement, only glancing towards me, then back at Ben, before gazing back at his computer.

I rolled my eyes, gathering my things and gripping Ben's arm as he held it out for me to take. "Quite boring in there, huh?" He mused, having this corny smile on his face.

I chuckled and shook my head, "You don't even want to know why it's like that right now."

This drew to his attention, watching his eyebrows shoot up in fascination, "I'm intrigued, tell me more."

So I did just that, gifting him all the juicy information about yesterday's events. He was bubbling with enthusiasm, grabbing me by my shoulders and giving me this weird look. "Don't you know what that means?"

"What?" I inquired, greatly confused. Ben's shook his head at my oblivion, turning away from me as I loaded his printer in with paper--that was my task.

He tapped his chin and stared at to the pouring city, pondering off for a moment, "I don't think my brother has ever been so enthralled by a woman, that he would fight with her about the attention. I think if it was just any woman," He turned back to me, having this amused expression, "He would blow her off and agree that he doesn't care to give her attention."

I chewed my lip, pausing the process of paper and placing my hands on my knees, "But Ben, he literally told me to get the fuck out, I don't think he would do that if he really was interested."

This caused Ben's grin to grow a little more and his eyes sort of lit up, "From the context you've explained, it doesn't seem like he wanted you to actually 'get the fuck out', but seeing as your stubborn personality you been gifted with, you did anyways not taking the hint to keep fighting. I mean who knows, he probably would have fucked you afterwards."

I gasped, grabbing my pen and throwing it at his head, "I am not stubborn, and you're gross for thinking of your brother that way. I could never imagine my brother--" I cut myself off, shuddering. "And besides, he meant it, Ben. If you were there, you would know."

He didn't even have to dodge the pen because of the aimless throw, so he only shrugged at my words, "If that's what you think."

We ended up dropping the topic, and the rest of the day went by much easier with the entertainment of Ben. He was quite the character, always making sexual innuendos and humorous jokes about the littlest things. Out of boredness, he demanded that I make up a romance for him in my head before telling him in detail how it would work out. He was amusing and funny, but nowhere near attractive to me. Sure he was good looking, but I think I was blinded by his brother.

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