He Said To Be At Tryouts, 8 Sharp

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Dean didn't want to be here. In fact, he wanted to be anywhere but here.

Sam poked him in the side, and he jolted out of his reverie. "What, Dean's being a scaredy-cat? Jerk."


Dean looked up at his gargantuan little brother, and his slight frown softened. "I'm really gonna miss ya, Sammy." 

Sam smirked sassily. "Gettin' all sentimental, are we, Dean?" 

"Oh, shut your moose-trap," Dean said before turning and hugging his brother one last time. He walked away without a second glance, into the belly of the beast. 

Trying to navigate around campus was a pain for Dean, especially because he hated crowds. They made him feel claustrophobic. He eventually found the receptionist at the front desk. After a short exchange with her telling him where his room was, he was on his way- and he was terrified. Slamming the door of his room accidentally, he dropped the bags on the floor and flopped down alongside them. 

"I'm pretty sure a bed would be more comfortable than the floor," a deep voice remarked slyly. Dean shot up off the floor, hitting his head on the doorjamb, before turning to look at whoever had just talked. It was a teen around his age, with piercing blue eyes and sexy- no, Dean, shut up- messy black hair who was twirling a basketball. "Hey now, no need to get all excited, it's just me. I'm Castiel Novak, but you can go ahead and call me Cas, because everyone on the team does anyway," the boy said, smirking. 

"I-I'm Dean Winchester," stammered Dean, swallowing roughly as he stared at the jock- no, Cas. 

"Hmm," said Cas in that deep voice that would be the death of Dean, "You look athletic. Have you ever played basketball? The team needs more players." 

Rubbing the back of his head and standing awkwardly, Dean shook his head no. "I've really never played sports. Never had the time to. By the time I'd get back from workin', I'd need to take care of Sammy, my little brother." Mentally cursing himself, he wondered why he felt the need to spill his life story to this stranger. 

Cas seemed aware of the effect that he had on Dean, causing his smirk to deepen. "Come to tryouts tomorrow. In the gym, at 8 sharp." 

He lazily stood up from the bed, making his way to the door. At the last minute, he stopped by Dean and whispered in his ear, "The left bed's mine. And I'm sure we'll be great roommates." Dean's breath hitched in his throat as Castiel's resonant voice sent shivers down his spine. 

"See ya," said Cas, winking at Dean as he left. Dean flopped down on the bed on the right, mildly starstruck. What the fuck was Cas doing to him? He'd barely even met the boy. One thing was for sure, though, there was no way in hell he wouldn't be at tryouts tomorrow. 

authors note:

hi! this is my first real long fic. if you like it and want to read more, let me know!

for the love of the game / Destiel College AUWhere stories live. Discover now