Dean's Ankle? Fucked Up. Hotel? Trivago.

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hiiii thanks for readin this!!!!! Hugs n kisses love y'all!!!!! the song above is what Dean sings in the car :)

Cas wasn't in a mood for talking. He wasn't in a mood for much of anything, actually. Dean had been trying to get him to eat all morning, and he was not having it. At least, he thought he wasn't, until he remembered that they had a basketball game tonight- but not just any game, the game. The Nationals game.

He burst into their apartment, dropping all the books on his bed before sliding onto the counter.

"That's unsanitary, you know," Dean griped from where he was peering into the refrigerator, trying to make a sandwich spontaneously appear.

"Oh, heavens! I never knew," Cas gasped, clutching both hands to his chest in an exaggerated fashion.

For a moment, he thought Dean was fooled by his play-acting, but that moment passed, and Dean's frown reappeared. The duo had developed a much closer relationship without even saying a word, since Cas had spilled his life story to Dean a couple days ago. Their light-hearted banter didn't fool anyone, however, since they had decided to call their 'dates' or 'relationship' or whatever sexual tension there was between them quits. It was just too much; Dean deserved better. Speaking of Dean-

"I'm hungry," Dean pouted, staring at the empty fridge. Since they were college students, they ate when they could, and pretty much starved when they couldn't. Money was scarce. Dean, however, had the largest appetite of any person Cas had ever met, and when he sent him to the grocery store to buy food with their meager supply of money, Dean brought back pie. Yeah, pie. Just pie.

Therefore, Cas had concluded that Dean couldn't be trusted with their money. He had also concluded that they didn't have time to go grocery shopping before the game, which was at eight. Cas looked over at the clock. It was 6:30. If he and Dean went to the grocery store, they'd end up haggling over which pies to buy and Cas's 'rabbit food', as Dean referred to it.

Of course, they both needed food, as Dean was quite obviously implying with the lost puppy-dog look on his face.

"Let's go to McDonalds!" they chorused in unison.

What a bunch of two-year-olds we are, realized Cas as they headed for Dean's Impala.

As per usual, Dean refused to put McDonalds inside the car and cause it to smell like fast-food, so Cas ended up holding it out the window while Dean drove 20 miles above the speed limit, singing at the top of his lungs.

"And I can't recall any love at all!" he yelled more than sang. "Come on, Cas, join in!"

"I am sitting in the backseat, holding the McDonalds bag out of the window so your car won't smell like McDonalds, freezing my ass off, and you expect me to sing? You little fucker."

Unfazed, Dean resumed singing while Cas glowered in the backseat. The McDonalds had better be worth it.

"I tell myself, hey only fools rush in and only time will tell if we stand the test of tiiiime!"

Dear God. All Cas wanted was to eat the McDonalds. And then to win the championship game, of course.

"McDonalds eaten, room locked, uniforms on, game ready? Check," Cas listed.

"Hotel? Trivago," Dean said.

"Fuck off, Dean, you and your memes are destroying my life."

"You know you love them."

"No comment."

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