Meet Me in the Pouring Rain

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"Mmm, this is so good," Cas said with his mouth full.

"Manners," Dean admonished, also with his mouth full.

"Sure, Captain America," Cas teased, now finished with his pie. "Okay, hurry up, we have places to go, things to do, people to hunt," he said, grabbing Dean's sleeve and tugging it. "Forget about that last part."

"Oh, come on," Dean grumbled, mouth full of pie, "It's a Saturday, for cripes' sake."

Cas just smirked. "I have a surprise."

"Ooh, surprises? I love surprises!" Dean stood up and eagerly followed Cas.


"I would have said no to this surprise had I known we would be riding on the motorcycle again," Dean said, hair ruffled and hands freezing.

"You know you love her." Cas petted Bee.


Cas just sighed fondly and beckoned Dean over to where he was standing. He pointed to a gravel path that led down to the beach, where the ocean was glittering.

"Wait, how did you know I'd never been to the beach?" Dean looked at Cas suspiciously. Cas's grin only widened.

"Okay, okay, keep your secrets," Dean laughed. Dean followed Cas down to the beach, where Dean stood just staring at the water.

Cas, always thinking ahead, spread out a blanket on the sand and sat down, tugging on Dean's sleeve again to make him sit down too.

"It looks like rain, and it's too cold to swim," Cas observed, somewhat put out, "If it does rain, I'm sorry your first trip to the beach was a bust."

Dean looked at Cas. "Don't say that. As long as I'm with you, this is the best day. I couldn't care less if it's cloudy, or if it rains, or if it's cold. I love it."

Cas smiled, a real smile, and put his arm around Dean. And they stayed like that, just watching the ocean together, until the first sprinkles began to fall.

Cas frantically tried to gather up their things and he and Dean tried to take shelter under a tree, but pretty soon they were soaked.

Cas ran out into the pouring rain and just stood there, looking up at the clouds. Dean joined him, letting the raindrops fall on his face without caring.

"It feels like the world is falling, doesn't it?" Cas asked, twirling around, splashing in the water.

"Yeah, you could look at it like that, or you could look at it differently. To me? It's like a new beginning. The rain's washing us off for whatever comes next." Dean was surprised at the deep shit coming out of his mouth. Whatever happened to 'no chick-flick moments'? Cas tended to have that effect on him.

Cas's eyes were even bluer than the rain. Dean stared into Cas's eyes, not even noticing that both of them were dripping with rain. He was in the middle of thinking "Oh, I'm hella gay," when Cas grabbed his hand and twirled him.

"What, dancing in the rain? So cliché," Dean protested but went along with it, even spinning in delight.

"Oh, honey, haven't you noticed? We're always cliché."

Dean sputtered. "Wh- h- hon- wha?"

Cas smirked. "Oh, should we kiss before giving each other pet names? That can be done."

The rain still pouring, standing on the beach, Cas leaned in, and Dean met him. Right there, time stopped, the raindrops falling on their skin their only connection to the world around them.

Dean pulled away, shocked. "Oh. That was-"

Cas nodded. "I know."

"W-well, we're soaked," Dean said. Cas smiled wide.

"That only means we have nothing to lose," he remarked before hopping up on a rock on the slope leading down to the beach. "Dean Winchester, I'm going to sing you a song."

Dean chuckled. "I'm supposed to be the singer here, remember?"

Cas smiled softly. "You are. This is going to be the most off-key song you've ever heard, but its going to be our song. And I don't sing to just anyone, so feel special," he added, bopping Dean on the nose while Dean smiled.

He took up a pose on the rock, pretending that his motorcycle keys were his microphone. Despite the rain, his voice carried clearly to Dean who was standing on the beach below. Gravelly and deep, it wasn't off-key like Cas had promised, but instead clear and powerful.

The way you move is like a full-on rainstorm

And I'm a house of cards

Dean laughed. They were, quite literally, in a rainstorm right now, and they didn't care. Dean was dripping, and his hair was plastered to his face, yet he couldn't be happier. Cas had kissed him!

You're the kind of reckless

That should send me runnin'

But I kinda know that I won't get far

And you stood there in front of me

Just close enough to touch

Close enough to hope you couldn't see

What I was thinking of

Cas leaped down from the rock, trying to land on his feet but missing and falling down on the sand. I can't believe this idiot, Dean thought. You can't believe this idiot is yours, his brain retorted. Yeah, you're probably right, Dean agreed.

Drop everything now

Meet me in the pouring rain  

Cas moved closer to Dean, placing his hands on his hips and swaying to the nonexistent music and the sound of the waves crashing on the shore.

Kiss me on the sidewalk

Take away the pain

'Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile

Get me with those green eyes, baby, as the lights go down

Damn, this song really was their song. Cas winked like he knew it too. Dean had to admit Cas was a good singer, and this song, no matter how cliché, would always, from this moment on, remind him of Cas.

Give me something that'll haunt me when you're not around

'Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile

Cas's voice trailed off and he and Dean just swayed quietly in the rain. This time, it was Dean who leaned in, and Cas who met him, for their second kiss of that day. And it was rainy, and it was cold, and it was cloudy, but if it was any other way, Dean wouldn't enjoy it nearly as much.

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