Sam and Charlie Ship It

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a/n: heck yes my other fic got 100 reads omgggggggggggggggggggg

The promise that Cas made Dean to stay? That promise could only be kept for the next four minutes, in which the ambulance driver basically exiled Cas because he wasn't Dean's relative.

Of course, Cas drove at breakneck speed to the hospital after that and demanded to see Dean; he only succeeded because the attendant had a crush on him.

Next thing you know, Cas was sitting in a chair next to Sam in the waiting room, who had been notified of Dean's stupid decisions and rushed over to the hospital.

"Mr. Samuel Winchester and Mr. Castiel Novak?" They looked up and saw the doctor standing in front of them, clipboard in hand.

"That's us," Sam replied, jumping to his feet. "How's Dean?"

"Well, Mr. Winchester, your brother's a pretty reckless kid," the doctor said, Sam chuckling in agreement. "His wrist is sprained, and his ankle is fractured in multiple places."

Sam and Cas shared a look that said: He's not going to like that.

"So, what I told him and what I am now telling you is that Dean will be barred from offseason basketball practices, and he will have to undergo physical therapy. In the meantime, I put a brace on his wrist, a cast on his ankle, and gave him about..." here he paused to check his clipboard, "a shitload of pain medicine, pardon my language."

Cas laughed for the first time since the game earlier. Sam gave him an odd look, but he didn't really care. "So what you're saying is that Dean will be drugged out of his mind?"

"Pretty much. Here's a prescription for the medicine, in case he wakes up next morning in pain, which he might. You can take him home now; he might need a wheelchair." And with that, the doctor vanished, presumably to look at other patients.

"He was kind of a dick," Sam muttered.

"Kind of," Cas amusedly agreed, already pushing open the door to the room Dean was in.

"Hold on."

"Yes?" Cas turned back to Sam.

"I know you've been living with my brother for a couple months now, but there's some things you should know about Dean when he's injured. For example, he never lets anyone take care of him. I trust you, Castiel, despite barely knowing you, because Dean seems to like you. But, he has his own issues too. Don't forget that. And don't let him forget that either; force him to accept your help if you must. He's the most stubborn son of a bitch I know."

Yeah, Cas knew Dean had his own issues. He wondered if Dean really ever had anyone besides Sam care for him, and he knew it would be a struggle for Dean to accept help. He'd be damned if he let Dean hurt himself more, though.

Sam seemed to sense Cas's determination and nodded, pushing open the door.

Dean was knocked out on the table, looking more peaceful than Cas had ever seen him. There was a black brace on his wrist, which was swollen up as big as a basketball (pardon the pun), and there was a cast on his ankle. The cast was bright orange. Dean's going to love that when he wakes up, was Cas's first thought. Dean's going to hate me for waking him up, was Cas's second thought. Dean's going be delirious, so who cares? was Cas's third and final thought before he headed over to Dean and poked him in the shoulder as gently as he could.

Dean barely opened his eyes before groaning. "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? Class izzen for another five hourssssssss. Leavemealoneeeee."

At this, Sam started laughing so hard that he fell on the floor. "Ouch. But seriously, you wake him up for his classes? I ship it."

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