My Heart Will Go On

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Oh, time flew by, like time always does, leaving behind nothing but the faint click of a camera shutter and scattered Polaroids. In the case of Castiel Novak and Dean Winchester, it also left a trace of faint, blissful memories. Time was no one's friend, but for the better part of a year, she seemed to dote on them, showering them with moments in which they found happiness in each other and their surroundings. Moments that consisted of laughing over hot chocolate, the feel of sand underneath their feet, and most of all, the squeak of shoes on the basketball court.

Snapshot: a faded picture on Dean's desk

Cas has his arm thrown around Dean's shoulder and Dean has his head thrown back in laughter because Cas is trying to lick his nose. They are frozen in time forever, just that moment in which Dean was looking at Cas and thinking, "You are so ridiculous, but that's why I love you." Yet, he never said it.

Snapshot: A jar full of sand on Cas's nightstand

"You need to let loose and really have fun," Cas explained.

Dean gave him a look that almost burned Cas's face off. "Finals are two days away, and I haven't been studying nearly enough-" Dean protested, only to find Cas grabbing his sleeve.

Two minutes later, they were at the beach. "You're right, this is relaxing," Dean murmured in between the waves lapping at the shore. All of a sudden, the content smile on Dean's face turned into an evil grin. He stood up and threw sand at Cas, running away so as not to be the brunt of retribution.

"God, I love you," was on the tip of Cas's tongue, but he didn't say it. Instead, when it was time to go, he gathered some sand and put it in a jar to keep.

Snapshot: A poster board full of memes hanging on the wall of their dorm

"It's a meme-board," Dean exclaimed. They both stood back to admire their handiwork. "That one's my favorite," Cas said, pointing to the Spongebob cutout. "No," Dean argued playfully, gesturing to one of Kim Kardashian, "That one's obviously the best."

"I love you and your bizarre fascination with memes," Cas thought.

"I love how you put up with my bizarre fascination with memes," Dean thought.

Neither voiced their thoughts.

Time, however, whether it be on the creamy pale background with numerals of an old-fashioned clock or on the digital neon letters of an iPhone, always ticks on, constantly, relentlessly, and will continue to do so long after one begs for it to stop.

I suppose it must be the same for Cas and Dean; it always is. No exceptions, no pauses: time doesn't stop. Ever.

a/n: guys if you havent seen jensen with long hair omg look it up i died 

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