The Chapter In Which Dean Sings A Song

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It'd been a few weeks since the start of school. Dean had adjusted pretty well, and gotten to know Cas well too, well enough to try and deny his rising attraction to him. He was sitting in his- no, their- room daydreaming about Cas, when the real Cas rushed in the room and grabbed Dean. The green-eyed teen had been working on homework and wasn't really focusing on it; he couldn't stop thinking about eyes, a specific pair of blue eyes... until the owner of those eyes burst in and started dragging Dean somewhere. "Hey!" Dean protested as Cas, looking agitated, yanked clothes out of the closet and tossed them at Dean.

"You're going to a party with me. No ifs, ands or buts, because I hate parties and I'm not going alone," said Cas, breathing frantically and grabbing a shirt off the hanger. Dean looked closer at Cas. "You okay?" he asked, changing rapidly. "I mean, it's not like I have anything against people... okay, maybe I do. I have severe anxiety and being around large groups of people kind of triggers it. My mom used to sing to me when I was little, and it always helped, until..." Cas swallowed, a look of pain in his eyes.

Dean knew enough not to push it further. After all, he'd had a painful childhood, too. "Don't worry, Cas. I'll be there, alright? Just, why do we have to go to the party?"

Cas sighed, finally turning to look at Dean. "It's a basketball tradition. Since you made the team, you gotta come." He took a shirt and frantically tugged his off. Dean tried to avoid looking at his abs, but damn, he couldn't even help it. He yanked his gaze away as Cas turned around and pulled a shirt on, changing extremely quickly, but not fast enough for Dean to miss the scars in a straight line down his back, deep and painful.

Reaching out to touch them involuntarily, he delicately ran his fingertips down the ridged surface, and Cas flinched. "Oh, I'm sorry, it's just that those look like they hurt," Dean rushed. "What happened."

Cas turned around, his face closed off. Dean could tell when Cas was hurting, though, and he knew that he was now. "Nothing. I've got to go to the party, alright? Meet me there in a half hour."


The party was crowded and loud, all the things Dean hated about social events. He'd been good at hiding his feelings for years, though, his chaotic upbringing being a factor in that specific skill of his. So, when he got to the party, the first person he looked for was, of course, Castiel Novak.

He found Castiel in a corner of the room, sipping from a red Solo cup. "Wouldn't have pegged you for a drinker," Dean said, smirking. Cas whipped around and saw Dean, relaxing. "Sorry, I'm kind of tense, what with all these people around. And it's actually not beer, it's cider. Not spiked. I had to get my teammates off my case for being 'too perfect.'"

Dean noticed Cas was sweating a little and attributed it to the heat of the room and pounding of the music. "Clever trick." What Dean wouldn't admit was that he found Cas even hotter than ever. It wasn't clear if Cas felt the same way for him, though, so he wasn't planning to act on his feelings anytime soon.

"KARAOKE TIME!" Some drunk dude across the room yelled. "You gonna go sing?" teased Dean. "Nah," responded Cas, looking a bit frazzled, "I don't like the music taste everyone has; I listen to other things- like Elvis."

"Elvis," mused Dean. "I can dig Elvis." Cas smiled, and maybe even blushed- or was that the heat?

"Mind if I go sing?" Dean asked. Cas's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "I wouldn't have pegged you for a singer," he teased, mimicking Dean. Dean swallowed hard, finding it impossible to breathe, "Um. Yeah. Sometimes I sing."

Going up on the counter, Dean stared at the mike. He doubted anyone actually cared what he sang or how he sang, other than Castiel, because judging from the crowd, they were all drunk. "Lets just, um, get started," he said into the microphone.

Sunlight comes creeping in

Watching Dean sing, Cas felt irresistibly attracted to him.

Illuminates our skin

The green-eyed teen, with the shy demeanor, but cocky attitude, had stolen Cas's heart. And it'd only been a couple of weeks.

I watch the day go by

Was Cas gay? Was he bi? Or some other sexuality? He didn't know. All he knew was, despite flirting with Dean, he never felt truly in control. And it was confusing, and it was new, and it was fun.

It makes me think of you

Suddenly the room felt too hot. People started spinning around him. No. Oh, no, it wasn't time for another attack. Not now, not here. Cas stumbled into the bathroom, hyperventilating. No. He felt like his chest was being crushed. And suddenly, Dean was there, holding him.

Under a trillion stars

We danced on top of cars

Took pictures of the stage

So far from where we are

And it made me think of you

Cas felt safe in Dean's arms. His breathing slowed. He closed his eyes, listening to Dean's deep voice, singing. He'd never felt like this in who knows how long. At peace. With Dean.

Oh, lights go down

In the moment, we're lost and found

I just wanna be by your side

If these wings could fly

For the rest of our lives

for the love of the game / Destiel College AUWhere stories live. Discover now