Every Time is Pie Time

52 6 0


'This feels good,' was Dean's first thought as he began to wake up in the morning. Someone had their arms around him and he had had the best night's sleep in ages. Wait. Someone?

He twisted over, ignoring the pain from his ankle, and saw Cas's messy black hair. Why was Cas in his bed? A faint memory of last night came back to him, and he realized that Sam and Charlie had stayed the night. Speaking of Sam and Charlie...

He looked over at the kitchen just in time to see cameras flash and Charlie and Sam laugh. "Stop taking pictures of this or I will end you," Dean growls.

Unfortunately, Cas stirs against his back and murmurs something indecipherable. Trying to avoid waking Cas up, he refrains from getting up and cutting Sam's hair off, but it's too late for that; Cas realizes he's cuddling with his arms wrapped around Dean, and sits up rapidly, rubbing his eyes.

"Please get rid of my brother, Cas," Dean groans, burying his head in the covers, too tired to bother to get up.

"Come on, get out," Cas said, his voice raspy and deep, shoving a laughing Sam and Charlie out the door. "Nice to have you here, see you sometime much later in the future," he got out in a rush before closing the door to the sound of Dean's laughter.

Cas let out the longest groan Dean had ever heard and flopped onto the bed. "Why am I so tired?" he complains.

"It may have something to do with the fact that we were all up until one last night- well, this morning," Dean teased.

"Must have missed that part," Cas said sarcastically before sliding off the bed, standing up, and walking to the kitchen. "I'm going to make pancakes. Want some?"

"Sure," Dean replied, "But I know you can't cook, so I'm helping you."

"We'll see if you can even make it to the kitchen," Cas countered before rummaging through the cupboards trying to find the pancake mix.

"Oh, yeah?" Dean stood up, fully intending to walk to the kitchen nonchalantly but swaying as black spots danced across his vision because he tried to put weight on his ankle. "Oh," he said as he blacked out.


Dean woke up, for the second time that morning, to music. Music? Opening his eyes, he blinked at the scene before him, taking in four things at once.

One: Cas had failed at making pancakes, and there was pancake mix all over the kitchen.

Two: Cas was playing music as he tried to clean it up. More specifically, music. Real music.

Three: Cas was singing along. God, his voice was amazing. Dean didn't know why he didn't sing around other people, because he actually had the voice of an angel, and Dean didn't use that metaphor liberally.

Four: Cas was dancing. And he looked fucking adorable.

He was standing on top of the counter, holding a dishcloth and trying to clean up the pancake mess that he had made, while singing along. And God, Dean'd be damned if that didn't turn him on.

"I used to think maybe you loved me, now baby, I'm sure"

Dean stifled a chuckle as Cas, who wasn't facing him, grooved along the kitchen and played air guitar. It was nice to see him loosen up a bit, because Dean knew Cas put a lot of pressure on himself when it came to their schoolwork. Many nights since the start of the year, Dean had woken up only to find Cas fallen asleep on top of his assignments, with no way of knowing how late he'd been up.

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