And That, My Friends, Is Destiel

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And the lights went out.

Next thing Dean knew, he was staring into the blackness trying to find the source of the tremendous crash that had just occurred. He could guess Cas had fallen over something, but he didn't know where, and he didn't know why the lights were out. Actually, now that he thought about it, that wasn't true: the news reports had said a hurricane would be coming up their way on the East Coast. Stupid Dean, he cursed. Why'd you have to find a college so close to the coast?

Dean, however, very well knew the answer to that question. But first, he had to find Castiel. Poor guy was probably somewhere unconscious.

"Cas, where ya at, bud?" he whispered, afraid to move or raise his voice because he didn't know where anything was. "I'm over here," came the reply.

Guess he's not dead after all. Dean wasn't sure how he should feel about that.

"Okay, well, we have to get out of here and try to find our dorm, and maybe light some candles or something," Dean said. About a second later he started moving, ran into a locker, and stifled a groan. The sooner we got out of here, the better. He stood up and felt along the wall, touching something that felt like a doorknob. (i swear to chuck if any of you make dirty jokes i will rip you apart) "Over here, Cas!" he called, and opened the door, letting light from the gym's overhead windows flood into the locker room.

"Okay, then," replied Cas, walking over to Dean. Dean noted that he looked slightly frazzled, like he'd not been getting any sleep, and wondered if he was afraid of the dark or something. "Guess we may have to stay in the gym after all," Cas added, shaking Dean out of his thoughts.

"Why?" Dean asked, confused. Cas laughed and pointed up to the windows, where the rain was pelting sideways, sloshing over the gym roof and down to who knows what outside.

"Nooooooooooo," whined Dean, "I have to study for my finals tomorrow..." At this, Cas started laughing uproariously, quite a contrast from how peeved he'd been earlier during the free throw shots. However, Dean was starting to get a little aggravated by Cas's laughing at him. As if he read Dean's thoughts, Cas smirked and informed Dean that he was in fact not laughing at him, he was laughing at the thought of having a free day from finals tomorrow, due to possible flooding and building damage.

Dean and Cas sighed in unison, wondering what they were going to do the whole long night they were stuck in the gym.

Hour 1

"I'm bored, Dean."

"Me too, Cas."

"I'm going to try to sleep."

"Okay, Cas. Me too, I guess? But I don't like being in confined spaces. Even though the gym isn't really a confined space, the fact that we can't really go out bothers me."

"Well, if you want to try and pull an all-nighter, I have an idea. Follow me."

Five minutes later they were standing in front of a coffee machine in the teacher's office of the gym. "How did you know about this?" Dean asked, a hint of curiosity in his voice. Was Cas a troublemaker after all? These thoughts were quickly dispelled when Cas answered, "I used to help the coach teach newbies."

Dean frowned, unsure how to tell Cas that he didn't actually drink coffee black. "I doubt there's any creamer in here," he muttered, a little downcast because he really liked coffee, and because the thought of staying up all night had him already tired. "Oh, there is," Cas grinned evilly, holding up creamer, "but because I know you're such a softie, Dean, you have to sing something to earn it."

for the love of the game / Destiel College AUWhere stories live. Discover now