The Chapter In Which The Ship Name Is Discovered

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Cas was nervous. Like, off-the-charts kind of nervous. Why the fuck was he so nervous? It was only a date. With Dean, a gorgeous, Greek-statue-come-to-life, whose jawline could cut a bitch- no, stop. He forced himself to concentrate on class. Wait, no, he couldn't, it was only the most important date ever. In his whole life.

He turned and stared at the clock. Could time go any slower? Sitting through the last 7 minutes of class, he was thinking about how amazing their date would be. All of a sudden, he had the nagging urge that he forgot something. What'd he forget? Suddenly the bell rang, pulling Cas out of his thoughts as he got up and rushed out of the class.

Running up the steps to the dorm room, he texted Dean, letting him know he was coming. His phone buzzed, but he ignored it because he was almost at the door. He opened the door-

-and someone punched him in the face.

Blinking slowly, he began to wake up to the sound of yelling voices.

"Are you fucking dumb? We told you to say 'SURPRISE,' not to punch him in his FUCKING FACE!"


"Luce, c'mon, he didn't mean to do it, really, he didn't-"


"Would you two in the corner stop sucking face and focus on the fact that Castiel is currently unconscious?"

"EVERYONE, SHUT UP! First off, Cas is waking up, and second off, pretty sure he knows his, uh, pretty big family is waiting for him, so if you'd all just help me CLEAN UP, it's my dorm room-"

"What the fuck are you doing here, Gabriel?" mumbled Cas. "Oh, wait, that's what I forgot! Today's family day..."

"You sound so excited about it, don't you?" Dean was sitting beside him, smirking. Cas had the familiar, uncomfortable feeling that Dean's eyes were staring into his soul. He sat up and immediately Dean had his hand on Cas's shoulder, steadying him. "I mean, Gabriel here, at least that's what I assume his name is," he said, directing a glance at Cas's younger, candy-obsessed brother, "did get you pretty good in the face."

"Damn right!"

"IT'S NOT SOMETHING TO BE PROUD OF, GABRIEL!" yelled Lucifer and Anna.

"Watch your language!" added Michael.

Gabriel was side-eyeing Michael, probably thinking something along the lines of 'oh no you didn't', but he subsided into sullen slouching.

Cas reached up and gingerly touched his eye. He had a sinking feeling that he might wake up tomorrow with a black eye. At least it wouldn't ruin his date with Dean- Oh, shit, his date with Dean! It was tonight! And his family was here! Oh, shit!

"DeanIneedtotalktoyou," he babbled as he pulled Dean out into the hallway. He furiously tried to repress a blush as a exclamation of 'ooh' rose out from the room.

"We cannot tell them about our date," hissed Cas.

"Why not? Do they not know about you liking guys? Would they not approve of me?" Dean cocked his head like a puppy, hurt faintly showing in his beautiful eyes.

Cas shook his head, grabbing Dean's hand. "No, nothing like that, Luci and Michael are dating, for heaven's sake-"

"Are you and Hottie done talking in there, Cassie?" Someone yelled from the other side of the door.

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