Basketball, Phobias, and Free Throws

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It's been almost a week since the panic attack and Cas didn't want to talk about it. So Dean didn't. Instead, they both threw themselves into basketball with a passion. They'd been hanging out a lot more, and Cas had been helping Dean with his free throws at basketball practice, which were absolutely horrendous.

"Noooo, I told you, Dean, you have to stand the exact same way every single time," Cas whined, looking exasperated but amused.

By this time, Dean was laughing as hard as he could, having spent the last half hour just messing with Cas. In fact, his free throw shots were absolutely perfect by now, but he'd never tell Cas that, because he enjoyed his alone time with the blue-eyed boy. Picking up the basketball and letting out an uncharacteristic breathless giggle, he adopted the worst free-throw shooting position ever and shoved the ball toward the basket. Doubling over in laughter, he fell to the floor, almost crying with mirth.

Cas was standing with his hands on his hips, refusing to give in to his laughter. "Deeeeannnn, I told you that since you made the varsity team, you'd have to work on your free throws! Please be serious for once, or..." He trailed off.

Dean finally uncurled from where he was laughing uncontrollably on the floor and let out a chuckle. "Kay, Cas, if you're that serious about it, then I'll try." Dean stood at the free throw line and picked up the basketball. Suddenly, he could feel Cas behind him. Dean nervously sucked in his laughter as Cas whispered into his ear, "Shoot the ball. Now." Unable to concentrate with Cas that close behind him, he took one very trembly breath and shot the ball. By some miracle- thank God- it went in. Cas stepped back. "Good job, Dean."

"Thanks," Dean said, the biggest smile Cas had ever seen on his face. "No problem," Cas answered, patting Dean on the shoulder. "Let's go clean up."

In the locker room, Cas disappeared into a stall. Dean had never seen him change in front of anyone else; he wondered if maybe it was because of the scars on his back, or something else. Dean'd never seen Cas look in the mirror at himself; something he could relate to, because for whatever reason, Dean didn't like to look at himself either. He didn't know for what reason Cas refused to look in the mirror (self-esteem, maybe), but he didn't take issue with that, despite Cas's hair constantly sticking up. He found it rather attractive, for some reason, but since Dean was not, not, not, and not gay, he brushed past it.

Cas emerged from the stall fully changed and ready to go back to their dorm room. Dean stood up from where he had been daydreaming and smiled at him. Cas opened his mouth to say something-

And the power went out.

 a/n: sorry this chapter was so short! it was kind of a filler, just building up to the end. doubt anyone's reading this but I did want to let y'all know! and sorry if it makes no sense,,,,, im,,, a mess,,, ok??? and ill have the new chapter up sometime soon because im sorry for the cliffhanger but hey it had to be done!!! ;) let me know if i made any mistakes or if you like anything!

for the love of the game / Destiel College AUWhere stories live. Discover now