Chapter 1

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Hello, lovelies. This is my first official story. However, I created it when I was still a novice at writing. I've went back to check grammar on the chapters, but I've probably missed  a couple mistakes. Please don't mind them~ They're your author's growth throughout the story~

Edit: I have also changed as a person since writing this. I do apologize if this story is not your taste. There are a few questionable things here and there, very common among most fanfics. Thank you for listening, may you enjoy or scroll away-- to each their own ♡

Just over a week ago, my mom was married to her now husband, Jeon Minho. I am very grateful for him, however at first when my mom introduced me to him I was skeptical, I didn't know what to think.

My dad had died 5 years ago in a shooting at the company he was working at to save up some money for me after high school, when I was in college.

It was extremely hard for my mom, for a while she didn't even work and had to take anti-deppresant pills to get over his death.

Now, it seems like she smiles everyday, Minho is the owner of a Company named Jeon Enterprises where they make very famous million dollar houses.

"Hey, TaeTae, come over here. Minho and I need to talk to you about something,"

"Yes, Eomma. What do you need? We only just arrived here, in this huge house," Taehyung said as he looked around at the chandelier overhead and the spacious rooms.

"Yes, I know it's only been a few hours since we have arrived to our new home, however, Minho and I have decided," she walked over to Minho and kissed him lovingly, "That today we will be going on our honeymoon."

I was so shocked, it's only been a couple of hours and they are now hitting me with loneliness in this huge goddamn house with nobody but maids to talk to!

"Don't worry, Tae. I will take good care of Shuji and you'll be fine here," Minho thought for a second and then spoke, "Oh! Before I forget, your step-Brother will be joining you while your mother and I are on our 5 week honeymoon."

"Wait, I have a step-brother? And wait, hold on, you're going to be gone for HOW LONG?!?" I fumed.

"We Love you!" Minho and Mom rushed out the door into their luggage stuffed van.

They seriously left me in this large ass fucking house with nobody for 5 fucking weeks. I'm so done with life. Well it's not all bad, I guess, after all, I have a step-brother and I can get to know him while I bask in my boredom. At least I'll have someone to share it with. Oh, and this house won't be as fucking empty either! Wait, I don't even know his name....

"Minho! WHAT THE FUCK!!!"

"Is there something wrong, master?" A maid came running as if I was in distress.

"No, no," I wave my hands while smiling awkwardly, "Nothing is wrong, I'm sorry for the trouble. But I have a question, when will my step-brother be coming to stay with me here?"

"Your brother will be here within a week, he is off preforming with his k-pop group." She smiled lovingly.

"If I may ask, What is your name? You have helped me so much already today even though I have been here for such a short time."

"Oh, no problem, my name is Amber, I have worked here for 3 years Mr.Jeon is very kind."

"Yes, Minho is a very kind man, isn't he? Anyways, I would like to know more about this step-brother of mine, could you tell me more?"

"Sure! He is most lovely, he is very kind and sweet like his father and although he used to be very skinny, now he is obsessed with working out to keep himself fit. And when he is with his group members his bunny smile and laugh are so contagious."

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