Chapter 33

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>Jungkook's POV<

I sense Taehyung's worry and sadness but I must resist the temptation to find and hug him like I always do.
I know he has been through a lot of shit but so have I, and majority of the time when he plays his little games, he always wins.
Not this time.
That's why he has to understand that in this relationship I'm not easy to play with.
I smirk.

I walk down a dark familiar forest recalling the events not too long ago.
This is where everything happened.

Looking back, I am thankful for getting through the war with minor casualties. My family survived, only after they died momentarily.
The moment where I thought I lost my dad, Taehyung, and the baby.
But if I'm being at all honest,  Taehyung sparked interest within me.

He has powers as a male omega, and as he carries our child he gets powers from he or she as well, and with me being a royal blooded alpha it makes me wonder....
What will our child be?

After a while, I pass a familiar creamery; I remember when Taehyung had his amnesia and we went there. Such happy memories, I wish things could be more like that now.

Of course, I treasure all the moments I've had with Taehyung, but now it just seems like a game. He wins, I lose. It never changes. After I win this time I want to put an end to the games.
I want all of our special times together to be memorable and sweet.

There may be a fight here and there, but I at least that'll be living instead of a virtual reality.

And when the baby comes I hope I'll be ready to take on the responsibilities of a father. No.
I know I'll be ready. I have to be.


A real life mochi stands in front of me, "What are you doing here Jimin?"

He tilts his head in confusion, "Shouldn't I be asking you that?" He sighs, "Afterall, Taehyung has been locked in my room for hours all depressed."

My blood runs cold.

"H-he what?"

"Look, whatever you did you need to go and apologize speedy quick to that angel,"


"But what!"

"I have decided to ignore Taehyung for a full 24 hours, if I do he'll know what it's like to lose,"

Jimin stares at me blankly, "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!" The hair on my arms rises. Holy shit.
I just pissed off the mochi. The normally bubbly inside and nice to everybody mochi!

Steam came from Jimin's nostrils, "Hurry your ass up and apologize!"

"Why! He always wins, and it's like sometimes he doesn't care how I react,"

"That May be true, Taehyung is pregnant though, his hormones are everywhere! Right now he may be thinking you fucking hate him!"

"How would you know!"

"Look it up genius, and I have freinds that've gone through pregnancy, their moods can be happy and then a second later sad as all mighty fucking hell!"

Fuck. So....Taehyung could be thinking I hate him or don't love him.
I really fucking messed up.
I pinch my nose, I really hope he's still in Jimin's room.

"Hey!" I barely hear Jimin scream as I run toward the Bangtan house.

You never walk alone, remember that Taehyung.

And of course, I had to take that fucking serum where I can't link with him. How stupid could I be...?!

I run and run through the forest.
He's sad. I can feel it.

>Taehyung's POV<

I cradle myself back and forth.
I don't even remember when I started crying, I just know the tears haven't stopped since then.

Jungkook, please~
I need you.

"Taehyung!" Yoongi tells through the door.

I cover my ears and continue to cry.
He doesn't love me.
He left me.
He doesn't want me.
He lied.
He doesn't miss me.
He's gone.
He doesn't need me.
I'm alone.

The pounding gets louder; the door shingles could break any minute now.
Before they could I open a window and jump out.

They won't know.
They won't care.

I run and run for what seems like hours. I have blisters on my feet, scratches on my arms from pushing the branches away, and wet clothes from the pouring rain. It started about half an hour ago. I think?

Geez. I'm so stupid.
Why didn't I just transform and save myself from all this pain.
Because you want to feel the pain. It feels good. Nobody wants or cares about you, own it. You did this to yourself.

You always play games, it makes everybody hate you. Even those who look at you with such love hate you. Their tired of all your games.
Everything—is your fault.

You want to atone for all your mistakes and this is your way of doing it. Why don't you just die? It'd be better than living in this barren place where nobody gives a shit about you.

But you have to remember you did this, you did this to yourself. Behind everybody's endearing smile there's always a hint of distaste.

I find my way to a nice, cold cave. It was basically calling me. I think I relate best to it. It plays games like me. Too many. Almost like a.....House of Cards.

Beyond the moaning wind all I can hear is myself. My soft and ugly sobs. me.

>Jungkook's POV<

I growl in frustration.
Why can't I find him?!
I sniff around and can't smell anything but mold and downpour.

It's really coming down hard now.
Taehyung! Please come out, please don't hide, please just be alright.
I need to take shelter, I can't see a thing.

I see a dark ominous cave ahead and decide it's my best option.
When I enter I sigh with relief, not two seconds later do I realize I'm not alone.

A drenched body lays collapsed on the cave floor. I recognize who it is almost instantly.


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