Chapter 29

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>Author's POV<

Jin glances at Jungkook; his concern growing as the man paces back and forth.

Jin couldn't help it anymore. Jungkook was like his child he couldn't let his baby feel bad.

"Joonie, I've got to go over there and talk to him," he whispered.

Namjoon nods in agreement as Jin proceeds with much caution; tiptoeing over to Jungkook.


Jungkook bites his lip so hard it starts to bleed, "Jungkook stop!!"

Jin puts his hands on both sides of Jungkook's face, "You're alright, Tae will be just fine." He sighs, "Please don't do this to yourself sweetie, I hate seeing you like this."

Jungkook looks Jin In the eyes sympathetically, "I'm sorry Eomma Jin. I's my fault Tae-"

"Don't you dare say it's your fault; you didn't know it was going to happen regardless of the cause," Jin's eyebrows twitch, "And I'll disregard the fact that you just called me Eomma because after all you're my baby going through a harsh time,"

"But I could've controlled myself, I know I could've, but I didn't," Jungkook peers down at his feet grimly.

"Sweetie, all you need to know is that you can't reverse what's already done, and that you can either pity yourself or walk into that room when the doctor comes out and try to recollect Taehyung's memories with him," He continues, "Tae is in a state of disaster, he can't remember a thing! How do you think he feels, left out and especially alone."

"You're right. I should be in there supporting him, afterall he deserves it after what I've done to him,"

"Aigooo such a smart cute boy, that's what I'm talkin' about!"

Namjoon glares at Jungkook.
"Smart cute boy" Namjoon mouths behind Jin's back.

Jungkook brushes it off. Dad is most definitely jelly.

Caution god of destruction is fuming!

And right on cue, Dr. Mino exits the room.

All eyes are on him; waiting for a reassuring diagnosis, "Tae has a temporary form of amnesia. He lost multiple liters of blood; causing his brain to basically shake up from shock," Mino takes another breath of air, "In short Taehyung's short and long term memory are temporarily in lockdown mode."

A rapid question exerts from Jungkook's quivering mouth, "When can we see him?"

"He's actually ready right now, but be careful he may be a bit unstable,"

"Thank you Dr. Mino,"

"Of course, goodbye now,"

Everyone bows at the awkwardest angles before racing into the secluded hospital room.

They feast their eyes on the sight in front of them. Taehyung was reading the message they all wrote for him, for his birthday. Tears drop from his eyes in the masses; making his hospital gown soaked with saltiness.

He looks like that of a lost puppy dog on the steps of an orphanage begging for a nice place to call home.

Jungkook has the immediate instinct to rush by Taehyung's side and aid him with a hug.

Taehyung has no memories of the people who stand by his side in the small barren room, but for some reason a comforting feeling fills the gap in both his head and chest as he snuggles into the inviting hug.

"Taehyung, do you know who you are?"

" alien?"

Jungkook ruffles the boy's hair while the rest laugh at the scene.

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