Chapter 23

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>Author POV<

Taehyung was propped up against a tree helplessly wavering his head to the side in order to look his mate in the eyes.

It's been so long since I've seen those eyes filled with such affliction and conflict, Taehyung thought.

Jaebum's sharp white fangs came closer to the Nape of Taehyung's neck in a warning manner to Jungkook.

Shuji and Minho glared at their lack of power to control the situation.

Jungkook linked to his father:

-Dad, he's my mate, he's carrying my child! Please help me.

He's your step-brother! Never mind we will talk later, and if he truly is your mate what are you doing just standing there!

Minho linked Shuji immediately after, informing her.

Jungkook's shoulders rised in a little bit of confidence, trying to mask his fear for the younger (yes Tae is younger).

Taehyung whined when Jaebum punctured his neck the slightest bit, a trickle of blood stained his glossy purple coat.

Shuji writhed back in fear for her son, frozen, unknowing of what the situation will bring.

She wasn't the only one either, Allied packs and enemy packs couldn't predict the outcome of the ever growing problem staring straight back at them.

All fighting had ceased. Jungkook's allied packs holding their mouths agape as their future Luna was tormented.

The enemy unaware of what to do stood staring at their leader, waiting for instructions to fight.

Silence. Stillness.

Until Jaebum launched forward in the direction of Jaebum. He tackled him to the ground successfully allowing Taehyung to escape from the alpha's hold.

Taehyung ran desperately trying to get to safety. Rogue wolves tried to attack but they fell short when Shuji along with Minho stopped them in their paths. Making sure to swipe their sinful souls from the Earth.

Anybody that even tried to lay a finger on Taehyung was easily decapitated by the pair, so when he made his way to his beloved mate free from the precarious position that previously held him captive.

But you know what they say, you can never be too careful. Danger still lurks, whether it be in the heavens or hiding within the shadows.

Jungkook engulfed his mate in a strong loving hug, kissing his forehead and reaching down to touch his tummy. Jungkook felt the life, the little heart beat.

Jungkook swore in that moment that he could get down on his knees and cry in tears of happiness, however it obviously being the wrong time and place he pulled himself together.

Jungkook pressed his forehead against Taehyung's and whispered in his ear, "You're so beautiful, I'm so thankful to have you,"

But like everything all special and eventful moments must come to an end no matter how long Taehyung and Jungkook resented the thought.

Before they could pull away from each other's grip a shout interjected.


Jaebum held his father by the neck with his deadly jaws.

Why didn't Jungkook notice before? He could've helped his father! He wouldn't be in this position now if he would've just pushed aside his concern for a little omega. But a little voice in his head told him you did nothing wrong.

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