Chapter 13

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Getting up this morning was not easy let me tell you. I had to literally ask Jungkook three times to get up and help me. Like I thought, my whole body felt like it was jello that had just gotten ran over by a bus.

Once he was up he had to help me put on my clothes, which was embarrassing because I couldn't do it myself....why was I so needy yesterday it only served me pain and suffering today. I felt like I could cry T~T.

Things only got worse from there, it was Monday...and I had to get up and walk around college all day what the fuck!

Right now I could possibly kill somebody.

Officially. Triggered.

A second later I saw my target, he had bunny teeth and a handsome enough face to have girl screaming for miles. Too bad he's mine ladies.

We were about to leave to go to K UNIVERSITY when I saw a car pull up.

"C'mon slowpokes!" It was Jin hyung and I assumed the rest of the boys also occupied the van. Jungkook and I looked at them in curiosity before getting the message, and entering the said van.

"What are you guys doing?"

"Oh Jungkook didn't tell you?"
Jungkook didn't tell me what?


"That we are all going to be attending college with you for the next few weeks." My mouth was gaping.

"Nani? What? ¿Porque?"
Laughter infiltrated the small space.

"Your so cute Taehyung." I looked over at Hoseok and smiled.

"Thank you."

I didn't miss the words Yoongi and Jimine whispered to him, with my keen hearing, "You are cute too Hoseok, your our sunshine and wonderful mate."

Mate? What's a mate? Weren't they all together? Maybe it's a term they use in relationships. Although I still wasn't quite sure so I of course asked.

"What's a mate?"

Everyone went still, even Jin pulled off onto the curb for a minute to listen to my 'interesting' question.

"How do you know that word?"

"Well I mean Jimin and Yoongi just said it to Hoseok....I assumed it was something used in relationships...but idk." They nodded in agreement but didn't forget to shoot a noticeable glare at the culprits.

Before long Jin hyungie continued his way to my college.

Now that I think about it, what are my hyungs going to do when I'm working at college. They don't go there and have nothing to do....I haven't ever asked them but what do they do for a living?

I was basking in my thoughts when a hand made it's way down my thigh, comforting me.

"Tae are you alright?"

"I'm fine." I started instantly thinking of the song I'm fine by BTS. OmO it's honestly so good I'm quaking.

"You sure, you look a little lost,"
I turned my body so I was now facing Kookie.

"I assure you I'm fine baby." A moment went by and then I realized what I said. Jungkook isn't used to pet names hehe. He was currently sitting in front of me with a huge blush across his face which he tried to make less obvious by covering his face with his hoodie.

I of course being his wonderful Boyfreind side hugged him and kissed his cheek.

"Are you embarrassed?" I snickered.

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