Chapter 26

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>Jungkook POV<

He ran away.

I knew he'd act like this sooner than later, but I didn't expect that he'd find out this way.

Dad looked at me and reassuringly placed his hand on my shoulder, "It's okay son, I'm sure he'll understand."

Then Shuji spoke, "Don't worry Taehyung always comes back to the things he loves the most. Even though I never told him he was a wolf, now it seems like he's accepted it. And I definitely wasn't the one who allowed him to."

I nodded in agreement and smiled to myself.

J-Jungkook p-please. Help.


I sniffed around for his scent and as soon as I found it I raced to find him.

Mom and dad ran beside me. They ran beside me willing to follow me through the dangerous woods ahead.

We ran with such stealth and speed, that when the cold breeze whooshed past us it was the only sound heard within the hollowness of the wood.

Taehyung's scent grew stronger and stronger as each tree passed.

Eventually he was in view, and the sight irked my insides.

Tae looked helpless and tired; unable to do anything as Kai stood above him.

He was forcing Taehyung into submission. That fucking bastard!

Kai hadn't noticed my presence but sensed me. His ears twitched with every step I took.

Kai growled at Tae, and he lowered his ears, letting a whimper escape from his throat.

No way in fucking hell.
I couldn't contain myself any longer.
I took long strides and latched my jaw onto Kai's neck.


>Taehyung POV<

Kai's body fell limp in Jungkook's jaws before he tossed Kai's body to a nearby tree.

There were tears in my doe wolf eyes. My purple furred body shook with emotion.

Jungkook saw this and approached me with caution. Probably afraid that he'd break me if his paws moved any faster.

I couldn't take it. I needed reassurance now, so I ran up to him and nuzzled my snout into his neck.

I'm sorry.

It's okay Tae.

I'm really sorry.

It wasn't your fault, and I shouldn't have waited to tell you that you were my step-brother.

You didn't tell me you were part of BTS either but I should've known, plus it doesn't matter anymore because we are mates and I want to be with you for the rest of my life.
I want to raise our child together not apart.

Our child? still alive!!

I swear the way his tail wagged and body shook with such adrenaline surprised me to the heavens.

I licked his face, but it didn't seem like he minded.

I love you.

I love you too.

Jennie retreated from her hiding place and came into the open, Jungkook emitted a threatening growl which made Jennie back up.

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