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I unlock my door and step inside. I drop my phone onto my desk not even bothering to pause my music. "Fuck me," I sigh as I slip off my shoes and fall down onto my bed face first. "I hate my life so much." I groan. I flip over onto my back and stare at the ceiling of my small one bedroom apartment. I rub the palms of my hands on my face and in the process get eyeliner and mascara all over my hands. I groan once more as I begrudgingly sit up to go to the bathroom so I can wash this shit my hands.

As I begin to wash my hands I look up in the mirror at myself. "Yikes," I mutter as I begin to inspect my face. Big, dark circles sag underneath my eyes. "I need some more sleep." I silently say to myself making a mental note to go to bed earlier tonight. I look down once more and realize that everything is off my hands so I proceed to turn the water off and dry my hands. As I return to my previous spot sulking on my bed, my phone buzzes. "What?" I mutter annoyed that I couldn't have one moment of peace and quiet. I sit up and lean over to my desk to pick up my phone to see a text from my manager asking me to cover Ashley's shift tomorrow. Huh? I re-read the message to make sure I read that right.

Are you fucking kidding me right now? Tomorrow was my day off and now he wants me to work then too? I already had to work a double shift today. Not only that but it was a shit day with inconsiderate customers and one woman yelling at me because I didn't hand her a straw. Ugh. A stick was too far up her ass for her lean over and grab one herself. My will to live is really thin right now. But what can ya do? I mean it comes with the territory of working at a coffee shop. People looking for special treatment.

In my hand, my phone buzzes. It's another text from my manager. This one says that he really needs me to come in and cover her shift since everyone else is 'too busy'. Too busy my ass, no one wants to cover that bitch's shift. That's all.

I roll my eyes at the message about to type out a fake apology when another text comes in that catches my eye. 'Over-time pay'. I mean I could use the extra money. I'm barely getting by as is. I mean, college tuition doesn't pay for itself y'know. I still got to pay for my bills too. Depending on how many hours Ashley is supposed to work tomorrow I could really shell out and go grocery shopping for actual food and not just ramen packets.

His proposition is sounding better by the minute. All he needed was to throw some free food into the deal and he would've had me at the first text. I mean, all you really need to motivate me is money and free food.

Mulling over his texts one last time, I finally reply accepting to cover Ashley's hours. Within seconds I get a reply thanking me and telling me to be in by 6 am. Do I have to open up too? Wow, God really does hate me. I absolutely hated the first wave of customers. They were so tired that they never tipped and they were never nice to me. Ugh. Let's just hope that people decide that they don't want to go out on a Wednesday morning.

I lay flat on my bed again closing my eyes wishing this moment of quiet would continue into tomorrow. I begin to drift off when I realize that I didn't even take off my apron and I smell like coffee. I really do need a shower. Since I need to open up, I won't have time to shower in the morning since I always wake up late no matter what. I close my eyes and sigh. After a few seconds, I open my eyes and heave myself off the bed to shower.

Out of the blue Joy, my best friend calls. She never calls without a purpose because she absolutely hates phone calls. I paused to sit down onto my bed again and then answered my phone not saying a word knowing that she would fill the void immediately.

"Anna, we need to talk right now!" she screams into my ear as soon as I pick up the phone.

I pull the phone away from my ear and cringe a bit before replying with an emotionless, "What?".

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