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I return the tray to the pile and the number the register. I sigh and grab the rag from the sink and ring it out. Alright, let's get this show on the road Anna.

I served another customer with a smile and they walked out without even thanking me. Ugh. You insufferable bitch. I looked at the clock. It's nearing 11:30. Thank God. One more hour before my shift ends.

My eyes wander over to John's table. He still hasn't left yet. He's been here for like 4 hours but he looks too cute for me to wake up. He's hunched over, head on his arms asleep on the table. I think he's drooling a bit on his arm too. I almost woke him up an hour ago but he looked too peaceful and at ease so I let him stay. Besides he looked so tired when he walked in so why not let him get a few more hours in? I took his dishes hours ago while he was awake but he still sat there only getting up once to go to the bathroom.

I didn't exactly have a problem with him not leaving though. Even though we never spoke to each other after our brief interaction, it was nice having another presence with me when the cafe would be void of customers. We were far away physically but nonetheless I still enjoyed his presence.

I would constantly find myself looking at him. While he was awake, I happened to catch him staring at me quite a bit but he always looked away quickly hoping I wouldn't notice. I chuckle to myself a bit but quickly silence myself as the coffee shop was quiet and I didn't want to wake him up. It was so cute though, almost felt like I was back in middle school. The good old days where I had not a care in the world and all I worried about was how to get out of running the mile. 

Looking back at him I come to the realization that I have to wake him soon. Jeff and Melody might not be as nice to him as I was. They might kick him out and I would like for him to come back so I can see him again. I take a deep breath to calm my nerves and walk over to his table.

Not wanting to scare him or anything, I lean down slightly to lightly tap him on the shoulder. With wide eyes, he jolts upright scaring me.

"Uh, you were asleep and uh my shift is gonna end soon and I don't think they're gonna let you stay," I say nervously.

"Oh uh sorry about that. I wasn't planning on falling asleep." He replies, his cheeks turning red realizing he fell asleep in a coffee shop. He wipes his hand over his mouth to rid it of his drool. Cute. He rubs his eyes a little too. Even cuter.

"Oh, it's alright really. You looked really tired so I let you sleep. Besides if I could I would sleep with you."

Having been stretching a bit while I was talking, he drops his arms from the sky to furrow his brows slightly. I very quickly become embarrassed as I realize what I just said.

I felt my face heat up and turn bright red. "Oh my god. No-no-no. I didn't mean it like that. I meant that like I'm tired too and I would love to fall asleep too. Not like sleeping with with you. Not that I wouldn't want to do that. But," I hid my face in my hands and groan slightly. "You know what, my shifts about to end and uh I'm just gonna go. Okay? Okay." I turn on my heels to shuffle back to the counter. Oh my fucking god, I just humiliated myself. Thank god the shop was empty! I curse myself under my breath, why do I always have to be so damn awkward? Can I just keel over and die right here?

I feel John grab my wrist as I take my third step away. I turn to face him. He's standing now and being so close to me makes me realize how tall he really is against my already tall 5'7 frame. Oh wow, he's really close to me. He smells faintly of cologne. I look up slightly to face him. He has a soft smile on his face.

"No need to run. It was funny," He says with a slight laugh.

"It wasn't to me but nice to know you enjoy my embarrassment," I mutter still embarrassed. He smiled wider and chuckled at my statement. 

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