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His smile got impossibly wider and the corner of his eyes crinkled as his ocean eyes twinkled like stars

"This is going to be by far the best brunch you've ever had," he says sounding like a little kid.

I laugh, "It better be,"


The doors slid open as we stepped into the Target. Once John saw the carts, he went over to grab one. I stood nearby waiting for him to return. Walking back up to me, pushing a cart he spoke.

"So, what are we getting?"

I shrugged smiling slightly, "I don't know, what's on the menu chef?"

He looked at me, "Weren't you the one who worked in a restaurant?"

"I was only a waiter and I only worked there for like 3 months during my gap year,"

"Well, shit,"

I giggle as we walk deeper into the store towards the food.


We got in the vicinity of the food and John started tossing things into the cart. It seemed that he was just randomly picking things off the shelf.

Perplexed I ask John, "What are you doing?"

He paused and looked at me, "Buying groceries," he said looking like he was pointing out the most obvious thing to me.

I smile and roll my eyes a bit, "I know that, but I mean like your just grabbing things,"

He waved his hand towards the food in the cart, "This wasn't random. All of these are before meal snacks,"

I start laughing but John continues to look at me with a serious look on his face.

"What? I'm really hungry! I haven't eaten all day!"

After a couple of moments, I finally collect myself enough to start talking again, "Can you really not wait?"

Looking like a little kid, he shakes his head.

"Well you're just gonna have to," I say as I begin to put the food away. "Let's not waste your money on stupid stuff,"

I think in some sense, John agreed with me because he didn't try to interfere.

With a now empty cart, we resumed our trek through the store.


With John buying I was hesitant to put things into the cart, not wanting for him to pay for too much. Suddenly, John stops in the middle of the random aisle we were perusing and turns to me.

"Okay, so what are we actually cooking?" he says to me while I turn to look at him.

"Okay, let's think. What comes to your mind when you think of brunch?"

"Mimosa's," he says immediately.

I laugh, "Okay then, let's go from there,"

I began to think of brunch foods that weren't too difficult to cook as I didn't want my entire kitchen demolished. I suddenly gasp, "I got it! We can make pancakes!"

John smiles, "Tastes good already,"

"Ooo, or we could make french toast. Which one do you want?"

His eyes squinted as he thought deeply about which food sounded tastier. He tucked one arm underneath the other and started slowly rubbing his chin. I smiled at how silly he was being.

"Hmm, I say pancakes, but what about waffles?"

I shrug, "Unless you wanna buy a waffle iron, that's not an option," I watched as a lightbulb lit behind his eyes. Uh oh. I shake my head, "Absolutely not, I'm not gonna let you buy a fucking waffle iron. That's way too much,"

"They're only like 50 bucks,"

"Oh only?" I say sarcastically.

"Yeah, and you can even keep it!" He says trying to get me on board.

I disagree further, "No John, absolutely not. There's no way on this god green earth that I'm letting you buy me a waffle iron,"

"C'mon Anna, it's just a waffle iron," he says almost begging.

He's not gonna give up, will he? I sigh, "Fine but I still think that you shouldn't buy this stupid appliance," 

He gives me a bright smile that only matches his sparkling blue eyes. Oh lord, what have I gotten myself into?


We were finally making our trek back home with bags upon bags of food and a stupid waffle iron tucked underneath John's arm. We were making small talk and somehow the subject had recently shifted to music.

"I grew up with music all around me. When I was young, it was everywhere I went and I loved it. I loved how they could create different moods and they could say anything you wanted them to. It was such an influential part of my life and honestly how I had it this far into life." I say.

"I love music too, I mean I didn't grow up with it all too much but in high school, I found my own little niche and in it were music I'd never seen before and I sunk myself into it. I loved the escape and I think that we all need a bit of an escape," he replies.

"Since you love music so much, do you sing?" John asks just before we cross the street.

I look at him and smile, "I do. I've been singing for as long as I can remember but I've been singing formally in choirs for probably 11 years now."

"Holy shit, that's a long-ass time," He says looking bewildered as we reach the other side of the street.

I shrug, "It honestly doesn't feel that long. I only notice the time when I really think about it,"

He looks at me excitedly, "I would love to hear you sing sometime,"

"Okay, after we drop the heavy bags off. I'm feeling the circulation cut off in my finger-tips,"

He chuckles lightly as we begin climbing the stairs.


I unlock the door and we heave ourselves through the door and drop the bags on the floor near the island.

I let out a huge sigh and slip of my sneakers as I make my way over to my couch. I let myself fall into the couch and seconds later I feel John do the same.

I roll my head over to the left to look over at John and sigh, "I'm tired. You wanna order pizza?"

He loudly laughs and I'm quick to join.


holy shit it's been a while. sorry about that one. life's been a lot lately but i never forgot about you guys. i'll be back soon ʰᵒᵖᵉᶠᵘˡˡʸ. until next time. love u.

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