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"Now Joy, can you help us to find Baz?"

"Of course! Where do we start?"

Joy looks to John first for an answer because after all, he was looking after Baz originally but he simply shrugs his shoulders. After seeing him at lost of where to turn, she looks at me for direction.

"Well, we looked everywhere, including the playground we're standing in so I have no idea where to go from here," I add while shrugging my shoulders.

Looking around she says, "Did you look in the sandbox?"

I look up at John who was standing closely next to me for an answer and he shakes his head no.

"Uh, no we didn't,"

"Well, I think you should've," Joy says as she points to it.

Both John and I look over to it at the same time and see a corgi rolling around in the sand with a . We both sighed in relief and began walking over to grab him. I watched the little kids throw sand on him trying to bury him but Baz would move before they could even get his hind legs beneath the sand. I began to laugh but kept it to a chuckle as to not draw attention to myself. As we neared Baz saw us and began running towards us.

Once again, Baz ran straight towards me past John and I knelt down but when he lept into my arms he knocked me over again. I smiled and laughed loudly from my now sitting position. I let him lick my face a few times before pushing him off me, picking his leash up from the ground and standing up. The sand covered little kids came running over, following Baz.

"Can I pet him?" one cute little girl with a few teeth missing and pigtails asked me.

"Sure you can," I answer sweetly with a smile.

She smiles a big toothy smile and begins to pat his head. Once she begins to pet Baz, a chorus of 'can I pet him' comes from all kids. I smile and tell them all they can pet Baz. With all the kids practically pushing each other to pet Baz, I zone out and begin to think. Baz was just playing around in the sandbox and none of the parents noticed? How come none of these parents noticed that their kids were playing with a dog, like what if he had rabies? What the absolute fuck? How can you be this bad of parents? I began to get annoyed at these parents and started to look down and furrow my brows. Suddenly, someone began rubbing my back, which brought me out of my thoughts. I whipped my head around to see who was touching me. Looking at John who was looking down at me while standing next to me, he immediately stopped touching me and looked back at the children petting Baz in front of us.

"Sorry, it's uh just that you were looking kinda mad. Sorry,"

I softly smiled at him, "No it's okay. You just scared me, that's all," That was so fucking cute, he seemed so sincerely sorry

He looked back at me and smiled.

"Anna sweetie, if you wanna make it and not rush getting ready then we have to go. It's 5 and getting dark." Joy interjects snapping me out of the trance John had me in.

"What do you have to make?" John questions.

"Anna's got a da-" I quickly elbow her to get her to shut up. "Ow, what the-"

"It's nothing really," I say interrupting her while smiling, hoping he doesn't catch my bluff.

"If it's nothing then why did you just elbow Joy in her side?"

I groan, "I was hoping you wouldn't catch that," I mutter but John still hears.

He chuckles a bit but I still know he wants to know what Joy was going to say before I stopped her.

"So like I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted," she looks at me then back at John, "Anna's got herself a date, one that I might add, I set up"

I went to curse at her but before I could get the first syllable out of my mouth, Joy looks at me knowingly, silently telling me to shut my damn mouth because there were kids right in front of us.

"Oh, okay" John says flatly. Wait why did his voice go flat all of a sudden? Just a second ago he had a smile on his face and a happy tone in his voice so what the hell happened in those mere seconds? Wait did it change because of jealousy? Was he jealous I was going on a date, which for the record, I don't even want to go to? No, it can't be. I just met the man today and it's not like I have any feelings for him nor does he have feelings for me. We're just friends. Right?

Before I could ask myself anymore questions Joy speaks again. "So Anna, if you want to make it we have to go like now,"

I nod and look at John, "Do you want me to stay or can I go? 'Cause if something happens to you or Baz I'll come back, I only live a fe-"

John begins to laugh and interrupts me, "I can take care of myself just fine Mom,"

I smile sheepishly at him, "Sorry, I worry a lot. Old habit of mine,"

I see Joy nod her head out of the corner of my eye and I turn to smack her on her shoulder, "You weren't supposed to agree with me!"

"Ow, I was just being honest,"

I roll my eyes and look back at John, "Are you positive?"

"100 percent," he assures me while nodding once.

I hand the leash to him and his fingers lightly graze mine. I feel myself blush lightly. Why am I blushing? He just touched me, I've touched people's hands all the time while handing them coffee or tea so why is this any different? What the hell is wrong with me?

John pulls his phone from his back pocket and he curses under his breath. I was about to tell him not to curse in front of the kids but I then notice that all the children were gone. Looking around they had either been distracted by other children or dragged away by their parents.

John looks up from his phone and smile sheepishly at me, "My roommate has texted me 20 times and called me 10 times wondering where I am with his dog. How am I going to tell him I lost his dog for almost a hour?"

I laugh lightly and shrug, "Maybe if you weren't so distracted, then maybe you wouldn't have lost him," I tease.

"You were the one who distracted me!"

"Says who?"

"Said you," He laughs lightly.

"Oh yeah I did say that, oops," I laugh.

He laughs with me and looks down at Baz once it dies down, "You ready to go bud?"

Baz simply looks up but soon puts his head back down as he was laying down exhausted by the children. John begins to walk away with Baz in tow and I watch them walk away for a second before Joy begins speaking which pulls me back into reality.

"Your so into him,"


kinda lied about another update in the same week but hey i did it within like 2 days right? hope your not too disappointed. oh and for context and for anyone who didn't know, Baz is Kugo's corgi. Baz is short for Bazil. he's so fucking cute anyways that's it i guess. until next time. love you

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