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John turns on the lights back on, "So what did you wish for?"

I look at him with a smile before answering, "I can't tell you,"

He frowns a bit, "Why not?"

"Because if you tell someone what you wish for, it doesn't come true,"


Sitting on the couch with a slice of cake each, I took the last bite of my slice. I wanted to lick the plate but I refrained. I got up with the intention of putting my plate in the sink and getting a glass of the alcohol I knew John bought. Halfway to the kitchen, I hear John mutter which gets my attention.

Pausing, I turn around back to the couch, "Everything alright?"

Without much acknowledgment to me, John nods and hums a yes before quickly standing up and rushing over to the 'coat closet', which doesn't have any coats in it. Holy shit. I watch him pull out a big gift bag and two smaller ones. I can't believe he got me gifts too.

Walking over to the island, he moves some food out of the way so he can place them on the counter. I finish my walk to the kitchen and place my plate in the sink. I stand on the opposite side of the island and look at his smiling face. 

"I can't believe you got me gifts too. You really didn't have to do this you know," I say to him.

"Yeah, but I did. Now open them!" he retorts excitedly.

I pull the paper out of one of the smaller gift bags and place my hand in. My hand hits a small box which I quickly open. As I lift the top of the box, I gasp. He gave me a ring. It was silver with a large oval black stone on it. I look back up at John as he begins to speak.

"That was one of my old rings but it doesn't fit anymore so I thought you would get better use out of it. I just took it to a jeweler to make it fit you,"

I put the box on the counter then slip the ring on my middle finger and it actually fits pretty well. "How did you know my ring size?"

He sheepishly shrugs, "I kinda guesstimated,"

I smile at him before pulling the paper out of the other small gift bag. In it was an Amazon gift card.

"You had mentioned needing new art supplies but I had no idea what you needed so I thought a gift card would be best,"

I smile and nod at him before taking the paper out of the large gift bag. This time I felt a medium-sized box before taking it out of the bag.

I gasp and look at him, "John, you really didn't have to do this. This probably cost a lot of money!"

I can't believe that he bought a drawing tablet for me.

"It was only 80 bucks and besides you could start doing commissions if you start doing digital art," he says reassuringly. 

I look at him blankly, knowing he was kinda right. Only doing traditional art limits the amount of stuff I could make money off because who wants to be mailed a sheet of paper. With this, I could definitely start doing commissions and get a bit more cash until I figure out something a bit more permanent.

I narrow my eyes at him for a moment before talking, "You still didn't need to buy me this but thank you so much,"

"No problem,"

"Now can we get some alcohol in our systems?" I ask.

"Yeah, we can!" 


After a couple of fun drinking games, I was blitzed. I think John was drunk too but I was already blackout. While laying on the couch, John hands me a drink that has juice and some type of alcohol in it. I sip it and cringe. God damn, he makes his drinks strong.

"Thank you, my prince," I slur with a sloppy smile.

"Anything for you, my queen," he slurs in return.

He flops on the couch beside me.

After a few moments, I begin to talk, "I'm bored,"

"Hi bored, I'm John," he says laughing hysterically at his own joke.

I laugh with him but my laugh gets interrupted with a burp which makes us laugh harder. When we finally calm down, John hiccups which causes another bout of laughter.

"Hey, pretty boy, you wanna play hide and seek?" I say after our laughter had dissipated.

He gives me a sloppy smile, "What are we 4?"

"No dummy I'm 24," I say in a 'duh' tone which for some reason causes John to go into a giggle fit. I stand up suddenly which causes me to stumble. I pause and try to regain as much balance as I can before I begin to walk.

"Where are you going?" I hear John ask.

"I'm hiding, so now you have to count,"

I watch John shrug as he puts his hands over his eyes and begins to count. It takes all my concentration and a little bit of help from the wall to walk over to my closet. I hear John mess up his counting which makes me giggle. I close the door of my closet and sit on the floor giggling to myself as I hear John give up on counting.

"Ready or not, here I come!" I hear him shout.

I giggle quietly but try to quiet myself. I hear John stumble about and bump into things as he searches for me which makes me giggle even more but I still try to be as quiet as possible.

Without warning, the door to the closet flies open and the light turns on.

"Found you!" John yells.

I found this the absolute funniest thing as I began to roll on the floor and clutching my stomach. I watch John slide down the doorway as he sits on the floor with me. My laughing dies down and I lay on my back in the middle of my closet.

With a huge, sloppy grin on my face, I quietly say, "Thank you for all of this, I love you,"

My eyes flutter closed as I sink into dreamland but not before I hear John say, "I love you too,"


this took a lot longer than expected to write this but i hope u like it. stay safe. until next time. love u.

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