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I look down at my phone again to answer, "Well, the tickets are booked for like 2 days before the actual wedding, so August 20th,"

He furrows his brows at me slightly confused, so I quickly explain, "I am, unfortunately, immediate family, so we have to be at the rehearsal dinner the day before,"

He nods in understanding, "Sounds fun,"

"Oh, trust me, it's going to be," I mutter to myself. This is going to be an experience.


August came around sooner than I would have liked it to. Before I knew it, it was time to pack. I was getting cold feet and beginning to rethink my decision. I think John knew because he had called earlier to make sure I was okay. I was happy that he was worried about me but it made me think about the fact that I was dragging him into the craziness that was my family. Would he see how messy it is and leave? I mean everyone's family was a bit crazy so it should be alright, right?John had quickly become my 'rock' and as we knew each other longer, I only leaned on him harder. I don't know what I would do if he decided to not be in my life anymore and that terrified me.

I was quickly drowning in my thoughts, but my phone's ringtone rang out which saved me from wading too deep. I found myself pacing in my living room and stopped to quickly run to pick my phone up as it was probably John.

Luckily my assumption was correct, "Hello?" I say as I pull the phone to my ear.

"Ok, I'm in a little bit of a dillema," John says quickly.

"Okay, what is it?"

"I don't think I have a suit,"

"Well, I guess we gotta go shopping then,"

"I'll be there in 5," I hear John say just before he hung up.

I pulled the phone away from my ear and placed it on the island before dissapearing into my closet to pull on some clothes. I walked out in a pair of black jeans and a light pullover sweater. I slid some sandals on before grabbing my purse and sitting on a barstool. Now we wait.

I was scrolling through the apps in my phone trying to find something to pass the time when John texted me that he was here. Without responding, I grabbed my keys and walked out the door. After I had locked it back, I began walking down the stairs. Within moments, I saw John standing near his car, waiting for me.

I smiled at him as I walked closer, "So what exactly are we getting again?

"A suit and probably a tie," he says with a lingering smile on his face,

"Alright then, let's get to it," I say starting to cross the street with John in tow.


I had only been about 30 minutes since we had stepped off the sidewalk of my apartment building. Luckily, this trip to the store was a speedy one. Thank god, I needed a bit more time to freak out before I started packing.

As if he could read minds, John spoke, "Don't worry, I'm sure everything is going to work itself out,"

We were walking out of the store when I groaned as I rubbed my face, "I know but it's been so long and I can't get out of my head that I'm just going to be reminded of why Ieft and never looked back,"

"Even if you are, just remember who you're doing this for,"

I give him a small smile, "When did you become so wise?"

"One of the many gifts of being older than you," he says in a haughty accent.

I roll my eyes but a smile manages to crawl onto my face and make itself comfortable.

After a few moments of silence between us, I speak, "I was thinking of giving a gift to my family that was like an olive branch. I think it will help us to try to start brand new and get along, at least for 3 days"

John looks up the the sky as he begins to think, "Hmm, obviously it has to be something that means something to all of you. I think it should be something that you made since I thoroughly enjoy your art but then again, alcohol always works,"

I lightly laugh before a thought pops into my head and I gasp before muttering, "Oh my god,"

John hears me and looks at me concerned beyond belief, "What? What's wrong?"

I smile widely at him and grab his wrist to pull him up the stairs. I couldn't forget this.

John pulls back to try and get me to explain myself but I was on a mission. I quickly shove my key into the lock and twist it before I yank it out and open the door. I didn't bother to wait for it to close or to lock it back, I simply threw my purse and keys away from me and threw open the coat closet door.

"It should be here, I didn't throw everything out," I mutter to myself as I pull stuff out of the closet. I'm sure I looked absolutely insane but that was the furthest thought in my head.

After a minute or two of digging, John asks, "Are you okay? What are you looking for?"

I didn't stop to answer. I knew I was close to finding it and it was only a moment longer before I did. I pulled it out proudly and looked at it. Sat on the floor, surrounded by objects I had forgotten about, I looked at the picture in my hands. I smiled as memories filled my head. It was the only one I had kept around. I still don't know why I still kept it but I'm happy I did.

"What did you find?" John asked which tossed be back into the real world.

I looked back at him with a wide smile, "My olive branch,"


ngl i kinda forgot i about this book. we're nearing the end tho so dw. stay safe. until next time. love u.

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