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John begins to walk away with Baz in tow and I watch them walk away for a second before Joy begins speaking which pulls me back into reality.

"Your so into him,"

"Huh?" I say turning my head to her and furrowing my brows.

"You have a crush on John, Anna," she says to me matter-of-factually

Immediately I begin to defend myself, "No I don't! I just met him today, there's no fucking way I do,"

"You can't lie to me. I know you like the back of my hand,"

I turn to her fully, "Listen, I genuinely don't know what you're talking about. I just met him for god sake," I huff out.

She rolls her eyes at me, "You keep bringing that up like love, at first sight, doesn't exist,"

I groan, "It doesn't, love develops over time and can't happen by just looking at someone. That's not how it works,"

"And you can tell me how it works because it's worked out so well for you?" She says with a raised eyebrow.

"I never said that it did, all I know is that the picture perfect Disney story of love, at first sight, doesn't exist," I begin to make my way out the park, "Come on Joy, we're going to be late,"


The walk home was painful, to say the least. She talked about everything that could've been talked about. From celebrities to politics. Her train of thought was all over the place. I could barely keep up. But after all, this isn't abnormal, she is quite talkative and often times it leaves no room for me in the conversation but I don't really have a problem with that so I let her do all the talking.

As we were walking up the stairs together I tuned back into what she was saying. I heard her mention my name so I thought it was about time I pay attention again.

"-so what were you thinking?" she asks me.

"Uh, repeat that I wasn't paying attention,"

She groans, "What the hell, you never pay attention,"

"Sorry I don't give a fuck about what you're saying," I mutter to myself quietly but I know she still heard me. Fuck. I immediately began to rethink what I just came out of my mouth. I shouldn't have been so insensitive to her. She's like my only friend. Why am I like this? I can't even keep a fucking friendship. Fuck me, man. We finally get to my apartment and I unlock the door and she enters first with me locking the door behind me.

After a rare second of silence between the two of us, I go to apologize but she stops me before I can.

"Don't. I know that you have troubles and that you struggle with shit but don't dump that on me. I'm your best fucking friend I don't deserve that shit."

I bow my head knowing that I was wrong. "Sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me,"

She walks over to me and grabs my shoulders, "Nothing is wrong with you, Anna. It's okay, it happens to everyone,"

I look up from the ground and give her a small smile to show that I was alright. She smiles back at me and begins talking like nothing had ever happened.

"So what were you thinking of wearing? Are you gonna look sexy or just hot?"

I laugh and simply shrug my shoulders knowing that no matter what I say she's going to take the wheel.

On a mission to find me an outfit she goes into my room and begins to dig through my closet. I take my backpack off my shoulders and drop it onto the floor before taking a deep breath and following her.

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