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I bounded down the stairs with my car keys in hand. My heart was racing and I had no idea why I was in such a rush but all I know is that I love this feeling.


It's been so long since the first time I went over to Anna's house that it seems like a distant memory. I've been over there so many times, at times it feels like I live with her. I mean, it is nice to have someone who I can go to to get away from all the YouTube stuff which gets overwhelming sometimes. It feels so nice to know someone who isn't on Youtube in some capacity.

She's asked me a couple of times about what I do and I try my best to avoid answering. I usually say something vague about what I used to do before Youtube, which was commissioned motion graphics, and change the subject but I can see it in her eyes that she knows that I'm not telling the full truth. I do feel bad about not telling her about what I do but I don't want her to see my videos and think any less of me. I mean my family barely approves, will she be the same?

I shake my head a bit, trying to get the thoughts that are eating away at me out of my head. I look over at the glad ware containers in the passenger set of my car and smile a bit. You see, I have food at my house but none of it comes close to how good Anna's food is so I come over and steal hers. I honestly don't know how she does it and because of her I barely eat fast food anymore. She has spoiled me with her amazing food and it has ruined my palet for everything else.

My smile widens as I think about her more. I have no idea how someone so amazing ended up friends with me. She's incredible and sometimes it baffles me that she is still friends with me. I look back to the road in front of me as the light changes. I frown a bit at the word 'friends'. I want to like her and I want her to like me back but it's so obvious that she only sees me as a friend so I don't have a chance. As I slow to another light, I sigh heavily. Oh well. I have to get used to my fate, don't I? I mean as long as she's around me and in my life in some capacity I think I'll be okay...right?


It's finally May and Anna's birthday is tomorrow. I've been planning a mini-surprise party with just the two of us for about a month now. Everything was essentially done, she has 2 back-to-back classes tomorrow so that gives me more than enough time to get in there and decorate the whole place. Her 3 gifts were bought and stuffed in gift bags, the only thing left was the cake which I am attempting to make currently. Unfortunately, it's not going as smoothly as I had hoped as I am currently scrambling around my ingredient-covered kitchen to gather ingredients and pans while trying to read the recipe from my phone.

I suddenly heard a knock on the front door which pulled me out of my frenzy. I quickly wiped the flour from my hands onto my jeans while swiping the other baking remnants from my shirt. I make a quick prayer that it's not Anna and that's it's literally anyone else. I quickly walk over and look through the peephole. It was just the mailman. Thank God.

I quickly opened the door to see a package on the floor in front of my door. I quickly pick it up and close the door.

While closing the door, I looked down at the medium-sized package. I don't necessarily remember ordering something but I didn't have time to contemplate it as I had to go back to fucking up my kitchen.

As I unlock my phone to the cake recipe I was using, I got a phone call. Can a man not bake in peace?

I notice it was from Smit and I contemplate not answering for a moment but before I can go through with it, I press answer and pull the phone up to my ear.

"Hey man," I say as I begin to hold the phone up to my ear with my shoulder. "What's up?"

"Hey, you down to record some PUBG?"

"Can't man, I'm currently baking a cake," I say with a breathy laugh as I remember I need to see my phone as my recipe is on there. As he answers, I put him on speaker and open the recipe up again.

"You serious?" He says with a laugh


"What kind of cake are you making and who is it for?" Smit asks.

While staring at the recipe intently, I answer, "I'm making Boston Cream Pie and it's for Anna's birthday tomorrow,"

"Anna?" he questions further.

"You remember that drunk girl from the bar from one of your visits at the end of last year?" I say.

He pauses for a moment before answering, "Vaguely, I think but it's hard to tell because I was probably drunk."

"Well, that's her,"

I hear him chuckle for a moment before saying, "She left a lasting impression that's for sure,"

With confusion written across my face, I ask, "Huh? What do you mean?"

"You don't remember?" 

"I don't remember a lot of that night." That was a lie. I remember nearly everything from that night, especially if it included Anna.

"She sat down at our table deathly silent looking down at her hands in her lap before getting the hiccups and getting into a fit of giggles. She looked absolutely insane." I hear him laugh a bit.

I smile to myself, "Oh, sounds like her. She giggles at the stupidest stuff,"

"Huh," He says in what sounds like near amusement. "Well, good luck with the cake,"

"Thanks, I'll need it. Bye,"


I hang up the phone and pull my imaginary sleeves up. Let's bake this motherfucking cake.


lmao miss rona really out here ain't she? remember to wash ur hands! thx so so much for 10k reads. kinda crazy but whatever. until next time. love u.

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