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With a huge, sloppy grin on my face, I quietly say, "Thank you for all of this, I love you,"

My eyes flutter closed as I sink into dreamland but not before I hear John say, "I love you too,"


I groan as the light filters through the blinds and reaches my eyelids. The splitting headache immediately made itself known. I slowly peel my eyes open and squint when the light angers my headache further. I groan and slowly sit up to look around me. Good lord, remind me to not drink. I'm in my bed but I'm not entirely sure how I got here.

I groan again. I need to get some Advil. I push the covers off my body and swing my legs over the edge but I'm careful to not move too fast. I'm finally standing and I begin to stagger to my bedroom door which was open.

Once out of my bedroom, I see John sprawled across the couch. I smile at the sight but the pounding headache of a hangover makes itself known once again. I walk back into my bedroom to go to my bathroom and get the Advil. I quickly swallow two pills dry. I was in too much pain to seek out orange juice from the kitchen. I make my way back to the living room and look at John. I didn't know if I should wake him up or not. I instead get my phone from where I had left it on the island and begin to order breakfast which is actually lunch since it's noon. I'm hungry but way too tired and hungover to cook so we're going to have to have to settle with Postmates.


A sudden knock on the door shakes me from my thoughts. I was trying to piece together my memories from last night but I wasn't having much luck. I walk to the door and open it. I give him a polite smile before reaching for my food. I give another polite smile and tell the driver to have a good rest of his day before retreating back into my apartment and closing the door. I was sure to lock the door before placing the plastic bag on the counter. Without hesitation, I reach for something to throw at John to wake him up. It happened to be a pen. I toss the pen at John with a scary amount of accuracy for someone who's hungover. It lands on his forehead but instead of waking up like a normal person, he groans and turns over to his side. I sigh. Now I have to go wake him up. With his face facing the back of the couch, I walk over to him. I push his shoulder roughly. He groans again.

"John," I draw out, "Wake up, I got food,"

I push on his shoulder again and he tries to lazily swat me away.

"John, wake up. It's already noon,"

Without opening his eyes or talking, he rolls over and wraps his arms around my waist. "Just a few more minutes," he murmurs into my leg.

I ruffle his hair a bit, "You've already had a few more,"

He groans one last time before cracking his eyes open and tilting his head up at me.

"I heard you got food?" he asks through squinted eyes in a rough voice.

I laugh, "Is that all you heard?"

He smiles at me a bit, "That's all you said,"

I return his smile and laugh loudly before grabbing his arms and pulling them so he would be upright. Once he was sitting up, he dropped his hands from my waist and rubbing his eyes. I quickly made a bee-line to the Advil bottle I had left on the island. I toss the bottle to him which hits him on the shoulder.

He picks it up, "Orange juice?" he asks.

I pull a glass out and pour him some before putting the orange juice back in the fridge and walking the glass over to him. By the time I'm near the couch, he already has his hand out for the glass. I hand it to him and he hastily tosses the pills into his mouth and chases it down with the orange juice.

"Now where is that food?" he asks after swallowing the pill-juice combination.


i know it's short and nothing happened but i really wanted to get this chapter out but dont worry i got something planned. its gonna be good. stay safe. until next time. love u.

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