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"No, but I have 2 classes,"

"When do they end?"

"Um, I think 4," I answer.

"Good cause I've been wanting to watch IT but I'm too much of a pussy to watch it by myself,"


I still couldn't believe that John planned all of this just for my birthday. It was actually insane. I've never really made a big stink for my birthday, it wasn't a big deal since most of the time it was just me. I usually just bought a cupcake and stuck a candle in it. I never really cared to change that habit, it was just another day for me. 

There was no real grandeur to what John had planned but the surprise was enough for me. It made me feel unbearably special. 

I hadn't expected this at all but here I am sipping wine and eating Italian with John. In comfortable silence, I examined my plate. He ordered a lot of food and I ended up taking a little bit of everything. I looked at him from across the table. He still had that ridiculous party hat on which made me smile and giggle a bit.

I think he heard me which made him look up from his plate with pasta still hanging out of his mouth. He hummed, which I assumed was his way of asking 'what?' while his mouth was full.

I shook my head slightly. My smile widened a bit as my eyes traveled to the pointy hat strapped to his head, "Nothing,"

I watched as his eyebrows furrowed and he slowly connected the dots while he chewed and swallowed his noodles. "Oh, oops." He said sheepishly while reaching up for the hat to take it off.

Wait, I didn't want him to take it off. I was cute, I liked it. Without thinking I spoke, "Wait, wait. Do you have any more of those?"

He looked at me quizzically before nodding and standing up from his chair, "I'm pretty sure I left them in my car,"

I watched him grab his keys before walking out the front door. When the door closed behind him I silently screamed. It wasn't out of anger, it was out of too much excitement. I got to spend my birthday with my favorite person who happened to look especially good today but I couldn't say that out loud. If I did then it might become real and I want to live in a fantasy without acknowledging it for a little bit longer. I honestly couldn't believe that this was real but it was. I took a deep breath and composed myself again.

Before I knew it, John had opened the door again and walked back in with a party hat in his hand. He handed it to me, before moving to sit down again. I quickly strapped it to my head before a smile creeped onto my face and I began to talk, "Hey look, we're matching now!"

John smiles but looks at me a little weirdly. He's probably wondering what's gotten into me and I honestly don't know. It has been a crazy couple of days with finals and graduation coming up so maybe it has something to do with that.  Yeah, that's what it's gotta be. 

"Hey, you alright?" John asks with makes me blink and focus on his face again.

I must have spaced out. I smiled and nodded. I look at my half-full plate before looking across the table at John. "You think we can skip straight to the cake and presents? I'm not that hungry anymore," I ask.

I watch the corners of his mouth turn up slightly before he answers, "Absolutely. Whatever the birthday girl wants is what the birthday girl is gonna get."

I smile before standing from my chair and taking my plate with me, "Good to know. Now, where is the cake?"

I sit the plate near the numerous containers of food before turning around back to John. He runs a hand through his hair while standing from his seat. He drops his empty plate in the sink before making his way to the fridge. I watch him open it and reach inside but before he pulls it out he starts talking. 

"Close your eyes," he says.

I look at him with a blank expression before rolling my eyes and finally closing them. I hear him move and the fridge door closes. I hear more shuffling before I ask him if I can open my eyes again.

There was no answer for a moment or two before he finally tells me I can open my eyes.

Crazily, the first thing I noticed was not the cake on the counter, but instead how close John was now standing next to me. He was looking right at me with a hopeful look on his face. I tilted my head up to fully soak the moment in. My eyes scanned his face before settling on his hair. Again, I spoke without thinking, "You need a haircut, bad."

Ugh, why did I say that? I need to get a grip before I say anything even stupider.

He looks at me sheepishly while running his hand through his hair, "Tell me something I don't know," he mutters, "Now will you look at the cake?"

I look at him for a second longer before nodding and turning my head to the counter where I was faced with something I didn't expect. I look at the cake for a second longer in shock then turn my head back to John. 

"How the hell did you know that I love Boston Cream Pie?"

He looked just as shocked as I was before getting a smug look on his face and shrugged, "I can read minds you know,"

I smile and push him a bit on his shoulder, "But actually though, how did you know?"

He shrugged again, "It was honestly a shot in the dark, I eliminated all the cakes I know you don't like then just chose randomly,"

I shake my head a bit at him, "I can't believe your luck,"

"Neither can I," He mutters, "So are you gonna try it or what? We can't taste it from just looking at it,"

I smile at him before reaching for the knife. Then suddenly John stops my hand, "Oh my god, I can't believe I almost forgot,"

"What did you forget?" I watch him open a drawer and begin moving things about.

"Candles," He says looking up from the drawer while holding white candles in his hand.

"Ah," I say as I move out his way so he can place the candles on the cake and light them.

I watch him move and I find myself admiring. He makes everything looks so easy. It's almost like when he's around, everything gets simplified. Looking at him, I feel like I could take on the world but before my thoughts wander any further, I force myself to snap out of the trance-like state I was in.

Focusing on the cake again, I notice that 10 candles are lit. John moves quickly to the light switch and turns them off.

In the dark, I hear him start to sing 'happy birthday' which makes the smile that hasn't left my face in minutes, widen. I didn't even notice that John was recording the whole thing on his phone. I instead watched and waited for the end of the song which came sooner then I expected. I closed my eyes and blew the candles out. For the first time in years, I actually wished for something while I blew out my birthday candles.

John turns on the lights back on, "So what did you wish for?"

I look at him with a smile before answering, "I can't tell you,"

He frowns a bit, "Why not?"

"Because if you tell someone what you wish for, it doesn't come true,"


sorry the ending was a lil cliche but it was cute and i'm currently in love with cute shit. just you guys wait ive got big shit coming up. thank u so so much for 13k reads. stay safe. until next time. love u.

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