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The familiar sounds and music from the movie began to make my eyes heavy. With my head leaned against the cushion my eyes were fluttering closed. Slowly I fell asleep.


It's been 3 months since the first time John and I had brunch at my house. Christmas has come and gone and the new year has just passed. With the new year came my final semester of college. I couldn't wait to finally graduate. 

John moved fairly recently to a place that was closer to the city, got a hair cut and quit nicotine. The new year was bringing change for both of us.

After John and I had brunch for the first time, it quickly became a routine for us. We somehow got into the habit of having our midday meal together. Sometimes I cooked, sometimes we ordered food and other times we went out to eat. More often than not though, I cooked. John swears that anything I make is his favorite food and everything else pales in comparison. I think he just says it so I can cook for him more often but I don't mind. I love to cook and it makes me feel closer to my Nonna even though she couldn't be further away. 

Today though, I can't cook because I have to work.  In a random pair of blue jeans and a hoodie that John had left in my apartment ages ago, I was hurridly slipping on a pair of vans. I need to be at work in like 7 minutes.

I threw my bag over my shoulder and ran out the door, almost forgetting to lock it behind me.


For what felt like the millionth time this month, I found my self in an apron and behind a cash register.

Luckily, Melody was working this shift with me. Since I realized how many acquaintances instead of friends I had, I made an effort to try and befriend someone from work and school. I ended up friends with Melody. She's super nice and not as quiet as I thought she was. Every time we have a shift together, it always manages to go by a little faster.

The coffee shop was nearly empty. There were only a few people here and they all were sat down on their computers seemingly doing work. I was brewing another batch coffee when the bell on the door rang. Out of habit, I looked away from the buttons I was pressing and looked at the door. It was John. He was already looking at me so I smiled at him before looking back at the coffee machine and continued pressing buttons.

Every time John is free and I have to work, he comes and sits in the shop with me until my shift ends. Much like the first time he came to the cafe, he usually ends up falling asleep. I'm convinced that he doesn't sleep much normally but I don't wanna overstep a boundary and ask. Oh shit, that reminds me! I forgot to text John that I had to work today. Oops.

"Sorry about not texting you that I had work today," I say as John takes his usual seat on one of the barstools closest to the counter that I was behind.

"I'll forgive you if you buy me coffee," he says to me.

"It's 1 pm. Isn't it a little late in the day for coffee?"

"Hm, I feel like someone's talking to me but I can't hear them," John says while looking around the shop.

I sigh and roll my eyes as a small smile appears on my face. "Alright, you win,"

I see John smile in triumph as I turn back around to the coffee machine.

After a few moments, I turn around with a cup of coffee in hand. The mug clattered against the saucer as I placed it in front of him.

After making coffee for him more times than I can count, I knew how he liked it, "I already put cream in it," I said to him just before turning to make another customer's order.


4 pm approached slowly yet it somehow felt like a blur. I felt like the door was constantly open and my hands never stopped moving.

After walking a latte and croissant to a woman's table, I looked at the clock once more. It was nearly 4, 3:47 to be specific. Thank the lord.

I took the last 13 minutes of my shift to clean up a bit. I took the coffee cup from in front of the sleeping John. Like normal, his head was rested against his crossed arms on the table. It wasn't abnormal for him to be sleeping but I never knew how he slept after drinking a cup of coffee. I didn't get much time to mull it over as the door rang again and my attention was pulled away from the now brunette.


Before I knew it the people coming in for the last shift were here. I don't think I've ever pulled my apron off faster. 

I grabbed my bag from the back and said my goodbyes to Melody. I walked back out the front of the shop and walked to John.

Trying not to startle him, I began tapping him on the shoulder. After a moment or two, he slowly opened his eyes and lifted his head up to look at me.

"Rise and shine, sleepyhead. My shift is over, it's time to go,"

I watch as he yawns, stretches and gets off of the stool. Once I'm sure that he's on his feet, I begin making my way to the front door.

I don't notice his car anywhere so I assume he walked here from my apartment. As I begin walking home, John gets in step with me next to me.

"I'm hungry," I say out loud to no one in particular.

"Late lunch on me?" John says to me.

I smile and turn to him, "Who am I to turn down free food?"


bro some real cute shit is coming up. i can't wait. until next time. love u.

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