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"Home, sweet home," I whisper to myself while curled up in my bed. I feel myself start to drift off. The paper can wait. I need some sleep right now.

My loud alarm scares me out of my deep sleep and I jolt straight up from the starfish position I was previously in. Without realizing it, my hand smacks my phone in the hopes of ending my suffering. My torment continues so I finally looked at my phone, scowling at it while picking it up. I look down at my phone turning off my alarm and checking my notifications while unlocking it, cursing it underneath my breath for taking me out of my blissful sleep. I hate my life right now. Afraid to lay back down in case I accidentally fall asleep again, I stay sitting up. 

After getting a decent bit through my Twitter timeline, I notice the time. It's 5:15 which means that I have 45 minutes to get ready and walk the 3 blocks to work. I set my phone back on my nightstand, plugging it back in. 

I throw open the covers and shiver a bit when the cold air hits me. I was so tempted to go back underneath the covers for just a bit more sleep but I resisted the urge. "Alright, Anna, you can do this," I mutter to myself giving me a little pep talk before I speed walk to the bathroom.

As I step into the bathroom, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Oh my god, I look fucking insane. My hair is a wild, mess and it looks like the bags underneath my eyes are darker than ever. I splash cold water onto my face not caring enough to wash my face properly. I quickly glance at the makeup on the sink before turning to the towel rack to dry my face. Ugh, I can't be bothered with makeup today. It's too early and I'm too fucking tired. Not caring enough to brush my teeth, I quickly leave the bathroom and pop a piece of gum into my mouth, hoping it would be just enough to get rid of my morning breath.

I practically ran into my closet and pulled out my favorite pair of ripped blue jeans, and the first t-shirt I saw which happened to the black baggy Panic! At The Disco t-shirt that I stole from Joy. I pulled on my clothes as fast as I possibly could. Once I was dressed I grabbed the first pair of earrings I saw which happened to be the silver hoops that my rich high-school ex-boyfriend gave to me. I've been meaning to throw them away for like the past 4 years but they're too nice to just toss into the garbage can. I shoved them into my ears and swiftly grabbed my phone and my headphones from my nightstand. I pulled on a light jacket seeing as I couldn't leave without it because it was the middle of September and it was beginning to get cold. I grabbed my backpack that had my apron and other various, miscellaneous shit in it. I grabbed my keys and I was about to step out when I realized I had no shoes on. Fuck.

I swiftly walked back to my bedroom and slipped on my grey slip-on Vans. Alright, NOW we're ready to go. Wait, did I do my hair? I look into the full-length mirror I have leaning against the wall by the front door. No, no I did not. I look at my phone for a moment to see that it's 5:45. Holy hell. I've got 15 minutes left and it takes me like 10 minutes to get there since I'm a slow ass walker. Fuck me.

I hurriedly throw my hair into a messy bun and take a quick look at myself in the mirror. Wow, I look rather presentable for 5 in the morning. I hurry out of the door and lock it behind me. As I walk down the stairs I put my headphones on and shuffle my lo-fi playlist. Lord knows at 5 in the morning I need to be as calm as possible. Just as I'm about to lock my phone I notice the time. It's 5:50. Shit. Time to run I guess.


Typing in the key code to unlock the door, I burst through the back door at 5:59. Fucking hell I'm lucky. Out of breath, I walk through the door. I take out my headphones and shove them into my jacket pocket. As I walk into the break room to put my bag down and put my apron on, I take my jacket off. Once I had my apron on, I pushed my phone into my back pocket and stepped out into the storefront. 

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