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I throw my phone to the other side of my bed, scared to even touch it. Holy hell, I feel so much like a teenager again. I hate it but at the same time, I love it more than I could ever imagine.


Time passed extremely fast as I got dressed and cleaned my apartment. Once John had agreed to come over, I flew into action. I ran into my closet and tore off the pajamas I had on. I instead pulled on some light blue mom jeans and a regular white t-shirt. I quickly clipped a thin gold chain necklace around my neck and pushed some gold hoops into my ears. I rushed to the bathroom and pulled my hair out of the towel it was drying in. I allowed my damp hair to lay on my shoulders and air dry. I walked out of the bathroom to stand in the doorway of my bedroom to look at the state of my small apartment. I had no idea where he was right now and no idea how long it would take him to get here so I have to clean fast. I tucked some hair behind my ears and started to clean. 

I picked up as many empty takeout boxes as I could and threw them into the trash. I folded up the blankets strewn across the couch and tucked them into the linen closet. I fluffed the pillows and placed them in their respective corners of the couch. I sorted all my knickknacks on the bookshelves and did a final look over the living room to make sure everything looked okay.

Now to the kitchen, there wasn't much to be done there but I still wiped down the countertops and gave it a quick onceover, when I spotted my heels and purse on the floor by the door. I dashed over to them, picked them up and threw them into my closet. I couldn't care less about where they landed, I just needed it out of eyesight. I closed the door to my closet, picked my phone up from where I had tossed it on my bed and walked out of my room.

I looked down at my phone to see that I had just received another text from John. He was here.

Holy shit. This is real people. Shit just hit the metaphorical fan.

I ran back into the closet to slip on my grey vans and grab my purse. I pull the closet door closed behind me again before walking out of my bedroom and closing that door behind me. My room is a mess right now with my art supplies half across my room and my duvet mostly off my bed. I can safely say that I don't need anyone seeing that.

As I stand next to the the barstools underneath the island counter, my phone buzzes one more time in my hand. I place my purse on the island counter before looking at my phone. John was asking me which apartment I'm in. To avoid hyperventilation, I take a deep breath before typing '237'. I drop my phone on the island counter just before I send the message.

Now we wait.

Within minutes, I hear a knock on my door. I walk over to the door but before I unlock it, I look at myself in the mirror by the door. I tuck a few more pieces of hair behind my ears before giving myself a slight nod of approval.

I unlock the door to see John awkwardly standing there with a crooked smile on his face.

"Hi," I say almost breathless as I smile. I open the door wider, silently asking him to come in. In return he smiles wider and says, "Hey" before he steps inside. As he does this, I notice that he had changed his clothes. I dare say, I like these ones better. For the second time today, I silently swoon. I close the door behind him, I don't bother to lock it as I know that we're going to leave very soon. Out of the corner of my eye, I see him looking around. With my back now facing the door, John starts talking. Thank god someone filled that empty, awkward silence. I'm not too good at awkward silences, I just tend to stay silent and make them even more awkward than they already are.

"You really don't have any food to cook with?" he says turning himself to look at me.

I stare at him blankly for a moment before I answer him, "As a broke college student, I can get very creative with food but I genuinely have nothing to work with," I walk over to the fridge and open it, "Unless you want eggs," I close the fridge and look over at John to see he's made himself comfortable on one of the barstools.

He shrugs, "I'm okay with having brunch, are you?"

I shrug with a small smile on my face, "I haven't eaten breakfast yet either so let's combine it all into one meal, shall we?"

John returns my small smile and nods, "We shall,"

"Alright then, let's hop to it," I say as I reach for my purse and phone. He hops off the barstool and follows me back to the door.

With my small black crossbody purse over my shoulder and my phone in the back pocket of my jeans, I quickly lock the door behind us.

Walking to the stairs, John begins to speak.

"You know, I almost got lost around here,"

I laugh lightly, "If you did, you would've been fucked because this building is huge and I have no idea how to get through it," I wave my hand to the stairs we were about to walk down, "That's why I use these. You can't get lost on stairs,"

He nods thoughtfully, "Seems like you've got it all figured out, huh?"

I smile at the ground sadly before muttering, "It does seem that way doesn't it,"

I noticed that the mood between us had grown somber. Shit. I did that didn't I? I internally groan. Oh, I'm such a fuck up. I can't even keep my own problems from affecting others. I mentally face palm. I just need to shut up sometimes.

In the middle of beating myself up, I notice John had started talking again. He was trying to change the subject, how nice of him.

"-we should cook?"

I laugh loudly as we walk out of the stairwell and onto the street. "We?! There's no 'we'. I'm not allowing you to fuck up my kitchen."

We quickly walk across the middle of the empty street as watch John's face morph into mock hurt, "I can't believe you have no faith in my cooking abilities,"

After we step onto the sidewalk of the other side, we slow down.

I laugh again, "You're right, I have no faith in your cooking skills so I'm not letting you anywhere near the kitchen,"

I watch as his eyes brighten, signifying he's had an idea, "What if we came to some type of compromise?"

I nod with a small smile, "I'm listening,"

He smiles, "How about I buy the groceries, and you let me show you want a master chef like me can do?"

I smile and shrug, "As long as your buying, I'm not going to stop you. All I ask is that after you destroy my kitchen, you help me clean up,"

His smile got impossibly wider and the corner of his eyes crinkled as his ocean eyes twinkled like stars

"This is going to be by far the best brunch you've ever had," he says sounding like a little kid.

I laugh, "It better be,"


i have nothing to say here. just wanna remind u guys that i love u vvv much. until next time. love u.

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