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The combined sounds of the different chattering of business and a variety of stories from various people inside the coffee shop made Jungkook feel at ease. The soft scent of brewed coffee made him feel normal. Normal like how he used to be. Normal like the old times. His back is leaned upon the back of the seat and his eyes are looking right outside the glass wall and into a busy street of Sajik-dong.

He is not a fan of coffee. In fact, Jungkook likes banana milk better. He also preferred to go to a nearby convenience store and buy banana milk or ramen and stay there than sit inside a coffee shop and watch the people continue their days. But no. Not when he wanted to be alone. Of course, his Hyungs will go to the nearby convenience stores or amusement parks when they found out that he is not inside his room. Especially now. Now that they knew that something happened. Now that they have this idea that there is something going on between him and Tae. And the mere fact that Tae is involved, Jungkook won't be surprised if they would overreact.

Jungkook mentally laughed with the thought of his Hyungs being so frantic about his absence. He could almost hear Jin's stressed fast nags (almost like rapping) at the back of his mind and Yoongi playing his I-don't-give-a-shit acting where in fact he is more worried than Jin. He lifted his own cup of coffee and took a sip as he wore a small smile on his lips and kept his gaze outside the coffee shop.

He started to think about his hyungs and how hilarious they can be. Maybe they are fighting about where the heck is Jungkook. Maybe Jin is talking nonsense as they walked down the streets. Maybe Yoongi tried to call some of Jungkook's friends. Maybe they called Taehyung--- Shit.

In a blink of an eye, Taehyung entered his thoughts, again. Damn! Did they call Tae? What if they told him that he is nowhere to be found? What if Tae called them and asked, then he found out that Jungkook is missing, and he started to get worried--- NO! Of course not! What the heck is Jungkook thinking? There is no way that Tae would care, even a bit. He never did before, so why would he now? 

The concept of 'Taehyung is worried about Jungkook because he cared for him' is a so damn accurate definition of fantasy and fiction. Jungkook is just a fuck buddy to Taehyung. And if I'm blunt enough? I would rather say that Jungkook is just a damn sex slave for he never had a choice. He never chose and instead, just lets Taehyung order him around like what a master or an owner do to its pet. With those thoughts came rushing the pain. Oh man! Not again! But yes, it is the same pain he has been enduring for the past few weeks—no, for as long as he remembered himself being caged.

"Gguk?" A familiar voice snapped his thoughts shut. Thank goodness, or else he would be crying his eyes out in this coffee shop. Jungkook looked at the man and saw that it was his Hyung. Okay, I'm taking it back! It's not 'thank goodness' for Jungkook, it's 'holy shit!'. He went to a coffee shop thinking that he wouldn't be found and can be alone but there he is, facing one of his hyungs.

"Y-Yoongi Hyung? Why are you here?" He asked. Quite shocked with Yoongi's presence.

"For coffee. What else would I be here?" He said and sat in front of Jungkook. "You are the one I should be asking. Why are you here, kid?" He asked as he settled down the seat and looked at Jungkook's eyes. Jungkook avoided eye contact for he knew that Yoongi knew him too well.

"I... Ahm... I'm waiting for someone... yes..." He lied and started to scratch the back of his neck. He saw Yoongi nodded then looked out to the streets too, like what Jungkook did earlier.

"Ah... You are hiding... I wonder why Jin hasn't call—as expected" Yoongi said and showed him the screen of his phone. Jin is calling. "He's with me," Yoongi said as he glanced right at Jungkook.

"Why the hell did he not tell me he is leaving!?" Jin almost scolded at the phone and Yoongi threw another glance at Jungkook then back outside.

"I don't know. He's been with me for the past two hours" Yoongi lied. Of course, he did. He knew very well that he was at the studio for the past three hours and he just went out to get coffee. "Hyung, shut up will you? He went to the studio and told me he misses me" Yoongi added as a growing smirk danced on his lips as he looked at Jungkook.

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