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"I called Mom." Taehyung's lips spilled the words in the most bored and tired way, tired of hearing Jungkook's rants. He enjoyed his voice and how his forehead turned into a frown with every word that he spat. The beautiful light from outside the car, through the passenger seat's window, then to his face was all so stunning. Honestly, Taehyung thought that he's prettier than the sunlight itself.

The younger has been ranting about how Taehyung should refrain himself from coming to his house unattended and without notice. About how his mom had no idea of what was actually happening. About how shocked he was with the sudden show up. About how Taehyung should call him first before going. About. About. About! It was all irritating for Taehyung aside from his voice. If he would only use that voice to say something sweet like 'Taehyung-ah~ you look good today~' or 'Taehyungie hyung~ I missed you. You should've called me last night~'. Oh my good damn shit! Taehyung would really be a red happy tomato if he heard those. But well, the younger was someone irritating and will forever be.

On the other side of the story, the side which shows the truth. Jungkook was actually ranting because of two things: he wanted to push his blush away and because he wanted to rant.

Jungkook's mom doesn't have a clue that he's gay. Before he went to Seoul, he was that shy straight guy. He has always been straight. So it was actually hard for him to accept that he had fallen for a man. His mom and dad weren't against the LGBTQ+ community but he wasn't sure if they actually support it. If they think that it was normal or if they think that it is fine. He himself wasn't sure if he wanted to tell them. No, it's more like when will he be ready to tell them.

Another, it was sweet that Taehyung went to his parents' house, with actual flowers and some expensive side dishes like a boyfriend would do. But Taehyung is... he's... not Jungkook's boyfriend right? What are they actually? The answer? Jungkook wasn't sure and was still scared to know. He was so happy when they reconciled. The trip to Busan was much more happier for Taehyung was so sweet! At least for his perspective.

When he heard Taehyung speak, Jungkook stopped talking. It was the first time that Taehyung mentioned his mom and he's not planning on not listening. He stopped with a pout and his forehead still frowning.

"hmm? What did you tell your mom?" Jungkook questioned as he looked over at the focused eyes of the man beside him.

"No. I meant your mom. I called her, so my visitation was not actually unattended." Taehyung said and just noticed that Jungkook was looking at him with his big and wide eyes. Those big doe eyes again. Can someone tell Taehyung how to chill? "What? Don't look at me like that or else I won't be able to stop myself, Jeon."

"You called my mom!? H-how?" He asked even though in fact, what he wanted to say was 'Fuck! You called MY mom 'mom'!?'. His face so red that all he wanted to do was punch Taehyung. This is not right, ma'am and sir! This is against the law of life! If jungkook would be more specific, this is against the laws of his heart! It's a heart harrassment!

"No. I called you." Taehyung replied back which made the other drown in confusion. Is he being sarcastic just right now? "I called your phone and mom answered." Taehyung, right here, is really feeling the role of calling Jungkook's mom as if it is his own.

"What did you say? What did she say?"

"None of your cute business. Now tell me, where do you want to eat?" Taehyung had asked and Jungkook kept silent for who knows how long. He doesn't know what to feel or to say. First, Taehyung went to his house. He showed up in all smiles, with a flower and a bag of side dishes being held by his two hands. Second, Taehyung is calling his mom 'mom' as if they are siblings (or some married couple which Jungkook actually thought about at first but being the dignified man, he chose to not consider it). Then last, Taehyung is taking him somewhere out of the blue!

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