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Hours had passed and dismissal is approaching. Jungkook's last subject is physical science. He should be listening to whatever his professor is saying and not staring at the shorthand of the clock to reach five and the long hand to reach 12. And yet, he did. He's been staring at it for 30 minutes and 7 seconds. 8 seconds. 9 seconds. 10. 11. 12—Gosh! Jungkook must be crazy for being so excited and nervous about this meetup. It's not like it is the first time that Taehyung asked him to meet him up but still, it's Kim Taehyung!

He waited until the most exciting sound for every student was heard to the whole school. The professor is saying something but Jungkook just rushed out the room and ran down the stairs and to the fields as if he is being followed by a killer.

"You are late," Taehyung said with his hands crossed. Looking like an upset boyfriend. But of course, we all know they aren't boyfriends. And of course, we also know how Jungkook liked the idea.

"What?!" Jungkook exclaimed and looked at his wristwatch. "It wasn't even one minute!" he fought back with frowns forming on his forehead.

"It's been 42 seconds, Jeon. Late is late." If he looked like an upset boyfriend earlier, now he looked like an upset company boss. "You know how gold is time for me. Much more golden than you." Yes. Jungkook knew that very well. And also yes, Taehyung didn't have to remind.

"Tss. It's not like, you are going to meet up with your father or you have a fuck date tonight at seven p.m." Jungkook said as he looked at him bored and as if challenging him.

"Actually, I do. The second option." Taehyung said as he started walking to the parking lot. Jungkook's jaw almost dropped in disbelief and annoyance. Like, J.Christ! What the hell would he call him for, when he had a fuck date at 7:00 p.m!? That's a nuisance! "It's you." 

Jungkook doesn't know what to feel whether he should feel happy or confused or whatever. But he did know that his eyes are wide open while he is looking at Taehyung. "I'm joking. I don't give dates. Unless you want to fuck." Taehyung said teasingly as he smirked.

"know what? Fuck you." Jungkook said as he rolled his eyes he continued walking. Annoyance is taking over his system. Why can't he just say the joke without saying that it's a joke!? That doesn't make sense but for Jungkook, it does.

"No Baby. I'm gonna fuck you but not gonna let you fuck me. Not for your pleasure, Baby." another rush of annoyance takes over. Jungkook literally wanted to punch him in the face. He's been teasing him and it's not good for his part! His plan is to tease Taehyung but what happened is the other way around.

"Where are we going?" Jungkook asked rather cold and went to Taehyung's car's passenger seat's door and waited for Taehyung. Taehyung just walked straight to the driver's seat's door.

"You just have to come with me. No buts," he remarked as he winked before unlocking the car and getting in. Jungkook followed and went inside the car. He fastened his seatbelt with confused and frowned eyes.

"What?" he asked again. Not that he didn't hear it but because he wanted to clarify. His face is in a full puzzled look with a hint of displease.

"I said, you have to come with me," Taehyung repeated as he started the engine and Jungkook started panicking. This is not a good idea. Not at all.

"I can't! T-that's too much!" Jungkook reacted. He felt his ears becoming so hot and he knew it's getting red. He didn't know if it's because of anger or embarrassment or panic.

"What? What's too much with that?" Taehyung asked confused as the frown on his forehead started to grow.

"I-I... you mean, right now?" Jungkook asked again and panic is evident in his voice. Taehyung looked at him with a frowning forehead as he nodded; starting to lose his temper. "No. I-I can't cum with you right now! T-that's too much!"

NICOTINE [TaeKook] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now