Chapter 2

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My bedroom door flung open as Piero and Ignazio stood there in shock and disbelief. Gianluca quickly hurried off the bed as the two men approached him with anger in their eyes. Piero took once glance towards me before he grabbed Gianluca's collar.

"Why!? Tell me why you kissed my love!!"

"You are not dating so that doesn't make her your love!" Gianluca growled in response

"Let's settle this!" Ignazio interrupted, " whoever can win her over at the end of five dates will then get to be with her. "

"Excuse me! I am no bargaining chip!" I yelled, but they had already agreed before I could make my own decision for myself.

Ignazio and Gianluca approached me slowly, causing me to back up to the headboard of my bed. I shook in fear as Piero was also apart of this. My grandma said nothing, they continued to rapidly approach me, waiting for an answer of who I wanted first.

"Alright!" I continued, "Gianluca, I can see how tense you are. Ignazio, please rest assured that I will get to you eventually. But my first and really only pick is Piero."

The other two sighed, and Piero grabbed my wrist and dragged me to bathroom down the hall. He left me in the hands of his make-up assistant as she freshened me up.

"Now, sweetheart, have you ever really worn make-up before?" She asked me, I looked back blankly.

"No, I'm not one of them girls that is keen on wearing it."

She said so more. I closed my eyes as told to, I felt the sensation of brushes covering my eye lids, my lips being slightly parted to apply lipstick, foundation being placed on my skin bit by bit. I don't know why, but I felt my confidence decrease as I have never once in my life felt this way before. It was killing me to know why my three childhood friends wanted my affection so much, it wasn't a competition to see who could gain my trust the fastest. But to them, it was.

Being rushed back into my room to prevent the boys from seeing, Piero's make-up designer then browsed my wardrobe, I could hear a faint sigh escape her lips as she found one of my old dresses I hadn't wore for years. Personally, I wasn't a fan of wearing dresses, the only time I had wore this dress was at a wedding party. But it's unique design made me adore it more. Let me describe it to you! The top corset part of the dress was a cream coloured lace, followed by a baby pink short skirt. Although I didn't like the amount of my legs that were exposed, I still adored the dress. The shoes she picked out had a slight wedge to them, they were pink to match the skirt part of the dress and had similar straps to sandals. She included a rose gold watch, a heart necklace and a small cream satchel bag to match.  

When I was ready to look in the mirror, I gave out the most shocked gasp I have ever done in my entire life! I looked so different! I honestly felt more confident in my looks when giving a first impression to one of my childhood friends. Piero has outdone himself! Honestly, I don't think I've ever looked this beautiful before in front of any of them. That's when I was I descended the staircase of my home, all three men were waiting patiently at the bottom. And as my heals clicked against the marbled floor, they turned around to face me. 

Their faces were blank, they were speechless as they looked at me as I continued to approach them. Little did I notice, it was already dark outside. This was just good timing. Piero had mentioned that he had a hotel booked in Venice if we couldn't make it back to my home in time. I was alright with the idea, but I had no idea what this "date" was going to bring first.  

When I reached the bottom of the staircase, we didn't all move an inch, just standing there with no tension to fill the air anymore. When I looked at Piero, he had no words as I could tell from his facial expressions what he was feeling. Overwhelmed, also desire seemed to fill his eyes. I looked away, feeling my face burst into flames with a blush. That's when he finally approached me, took my hand in his and looked deeply in his eyes. I was staring too deeply that I did not notice the change of his outfit. Any suit that he decided to wear always suited him in my eyes. I looked up at him and smiled, I didn't have the opportunity to speak as the front door flew open. 

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