It's complicated

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Mo entered Darwin ward later that morning.
"Welcome home" Fletch said from his seat at the nurses station
"It feels strange. It's different but the same. You free for lunch later Fletch?"
"Yeah I think I could fit you in. You can tell me all about Mr T and little Hector"
He had planned to go and sit with Jac but he figured he would just sneak out later.
And so it was they were sitting in Pulses at lunch time
"Not sure I like the jungle vibe going on in here" Mo commented
"Yeah it's not great is it. I don't usually sit in down here just grab a sandwich and go"
They sat in companionable silence eating their sandwiches
"I still don't know how to thank you for coming back and help save Jac"
"No thanks required I was happy to help" she paused "so what's the deal with you and Jac"
Mo didn't miss the blush that crept up Fletch's neck
"No deal. We're friends" he took a slug of his coffee
"Oh come on Fletch. That's what she said but bloody hell I've got eyes. You're like a married couple"
"It's really not like that we're just friends"
"Fletch - where did Emma stay last night. Your house. Who has been given responsibility to make decisions about her medical care"
"She asked me and Sacha"
has known Sacha forever, he's her best friend but she asked you as well - she didn't need to do that"
"Well I guess Sacha's not been too well so .."
"God you're as bad as each other. Couldn't you at least talk"
He cleared his throat "we already did. It's complicated"
Mo smiled "life tends to be. That's what can make things exciting "
He sighed "I can't force her to be something she doesn't want"
"So you do want more Fletch?"
"Like I said Mo, it's complicated. Let's just concentrate on getting her better"
"How many times have you been the Jac Naylor support team"
He laughed hollowly "more times than I care to remember. I don't know how much more her body can take but I can't lose her"
Mo placed her hand on his forearm "just talk to her hun"
Fletch shook his head "it's all been said. It is what it is"
"OK , OK I get the picture . But I think it's a mistake to leave things"
Fletch looked at her with sad eyes and smiled weakly "cone on let's get back those hearts won't mend themselves"
What about my heart he thought as they made there way back to Darwin. Maybe I do owe it to myself to ask her to share my life again. If she says no again I couldn't be anymore broken than I am now

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