Where is she?

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Time stood still as the ward waited, hoping for the all clear.
"Was anyone hurt?" Jac whispered to Frieda
"In the ED I think. I don't know about anywhere else"
"I can't reach Fletch" Jac said scared
"I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation"
"Like he's been stabbed. I can't get in touch with the crèche either. I can't... I don't ... I...."
Jac held her hand to her mouth trying to contain a sob, she then ran to her office. She sat on the floor behind her desk trying to control her breathing thinking about the last time she'd had a panic attack in this office and the man who helped her through it. She also couldn't help but think about Fredrick and the shooting about the hospital being on lock down about Raf dying because the lifts had been stopped too.
She sat there shaking and hyperventilating for what seemed like hours. It was now dark. She continued to try to contact Fletch and the crèche to no avail.
She jumped when there was a knock on the door
"Ms Naylor? It's the police"
They didn't wait to be invited in.
"Ms Naylor.? The knifeman has been apprehended everything can go back to normal"
"Are you sure?" She managed to say through her tears
"Very sure"
"Was anybody......?" She couldn't get any more words out but just remained on the floor crying
"Well erm in your own time" the embarrassed police officer said leaving
"Jac, jac. Where is she?" Fletch had made it to the ward with the children and had found Frieda and all the other staff starting to move beds back to normal positions
"She ran off. I think she went to her office. She's not coping well with this"
"Are you surprised" he snapped "Sorry. Kids stay with Frieda whilst I go and try to find Jac ok"
"I want my mummy" Emma sniffed. Fletch bent down to her level "I'll find her darling I promise" she gave him a wobbly smile
Fletch immediately ran down the ward calling Jac's name
Is that Fletch? She thought. Am I hearing things? No that's definitely him
"Fletch" she whispered just as he burst in to her office. It was pitch black
"Jac?" He said urgently
"I'm here" she sobbed
"Oh god Jac" the relief in his voice was palpable
He rushed over to her and took her in his arms
"Are you ok?" She said "I kept trying to contact you but couldn't get through"
"I think IT locked down mobile networks"
"Emma and  Theo. I couldn't get through to the crèche either" her voice was strained with worry
"I've got the kids sweetheart. When we got the call I knew you wouldn't be allowed off the ward but I was allowed to roam about quite freely.obviously expendable" he joked
"Or essential in looking out for your staff"
"Meh, anyway I went straight down to the crèche and all the kids and staff played hide and seek with an emphasis on the hiding but your little girl is very bright - she knew something wasn't right. So yeah I was fine I was just going out of my mind with worry about you" he paused to hold her tighter
"Not just because there was a crazed stabber on the loose but obviously memories of that awful day"
"That day was awful for all of us Fletch. Raf...."
"I know, I know" he stroked her hair
"But I don't see anyone else in this state"
"I don't see anyone else who's been through as much as you because of it"
"I feel silly now but I couldn't hold it together so I came to hide in here away from everyone"
"Oh sweetheart no one would judge you. Other than yourself. Just one more thing to add to the growing evidence that Jac Naylor is in fact human and does have a heart"
She laughed through the still falling tears which were now of relief. He brushed them away with his thumb
"I love you Naylor"
She looked into his eyes unable to put into words how she felt about him
"Fletch.." she began but then pulled him in for a kiss. A life affirming kiss of love and relief. Maybe things were going to be ok if she just allowed herself to be looked after like he wanted. Like he always had if truth be told even when she made it incredibly difficult for him to take care of her.
"Come on" he said "let's go and pick up our children"
The End
A/n sorry it's a bit lame. I can't keep suspense going over more than one chapter . It's too stressful
Well that's the end of this one
Merry Christmas and let's see if the new year brings us any FLAC x

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