Spill girl

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When Jac woke, Fletch was gone. She glanced at the clock 2.30am - of course he was gone but she couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness and aloneness she felt when he wasn't there.
Did she take him for granted? She didn't mean to she just liked having him around and she missed him when he wasn't.
He was here when I went to sleep. She felt like he had been talking to her as she dropped off but even if she concentrated hard she couldn't remember.
Her head hurt, everything hurt.
She did remember some of what he had said before she went to sleep.
Guy Self saved her. Mo came to save her. Sacha and Fletch had called in the cavalry and they had arrived. Maybe when the chips were down people did care.
"I care" she said to herself "about him. Urgh. My life"
She drifted off to sleep again. She dreamt about the photo that Emma had begged to put in a frame. Yes she'd seen it, she secretly loved it. Frieda had taken it and sent it to her trying to wind her up about Fletch. She didn't know that they'd kissed at that point, didn't know that she'd told him if she was going to be with anyone she would want it to be him, didn't know that she'd said she couldn't take a chance, didn't want to hurt him, didn't want to involve the kids. And now she was asking him to look after her child if anything happened and given him joint responsibility for making decisions about her treatment if she wasn't in a position to do so herself.
She woke with a start. Poor Fletch, it must seem like so many mixed messages but as a friend she did trust him with her life, with her daughter's life. Friend - yeah that's all you want Naylor she told herself. Except it's not but she would just wreck things wouldn't she.
Fuck what a mess.
It was 7am and still dark outside when Fletch breezed in. His face lit up when he saw she was awake
"Morning sunshine "
Jac grunted grumpily whilst loving his greeting inside
"Oh has somebody had a rough night?"
"Something like that. Where's my daughter?"
"Well thank the lord for breakfast clubs and my neighbour who has a little boy at Emma's school"
"You've sent her off with a stranger?!"
"Whoa whoa whoa, I've known Tracey for years and her little boy Sam is a year older than Emma. I delivered him when she went into labour in the middle of a snowstorm so hardly a stranger" he said defensively
"Oh OK sorry"
Did Jac Naylor just apologise? He smirked
"You. You're sorry!"
"Oh shut up Fletcher" she managed a weak laugh
He took her hand in his again
"Gave us quite as scare there yesterday Naylor"
"I know I'm just bad news"
"Ah now I didn't say that now did I?" He stroked her knuckles
Jac was interrupted by Mo entering the room.
"Morning you two" Mo said immediately spotting Fletch holding Jac's hand and raised an eyebrow
"Morning Mo. Right I'd better be getting on. See you later" he wanted to place a kiss on her forehead but Mo was watching them like a hawk so he settled for a subtle extra squeeze of her hand and he got up and left whistling.
Jac smiled after him which was not missed by Mo Offanga
"Spill girl"

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