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Fletch left theatre that afternoon and went down to see Jac instead of returning to the ward.
"Hi" he said softly noticing that it looked as if she was just waking up
A ghost of a smile passed her lips
"You skiving again Fletcher?" Jac noticed he was still wearing the navy scrubs. She liked him in those rather than his stupid suits or tie tucked into his shirt. He looked sexy in scrubs. Jesus Naylor stop it.
"Well I ended up having lunch with Mo so I didn't get down to see you"
"You don't have to be here 24/7 you know. You've got enough to do"
"I'm good at prioritising the important things and delegating the rest" he smiled
"Am I a priority?"
He took her hand again
"What do you think Jac?"
"I don't want to take you away from your duties I'm relying on you to make sure I have a ward to go back to"
He sighed "Are you being intentionally dense or do you really not know that you are my priority. You are always my priority"
"I know, I know. You're right I probably should get back. I'll see you later"
No kiss on her knuckles, no squeezing her hand, no gentle kiss on her forehead
"OK" she said quietly a stray tear falling as he left.
Her heart ached and it had nothing to do with the operation. It had to do with the fact that she loved him and had pushed him firmly into the friend zone
Fletch made it as far as the stairs when he stopped. Fuck this . She was his priority and she wasn't out of danger. Maybe it was selfish of him but he had to tell her how he felt once  and for all. Tell her how much he wanted her in his life as more than a friend. He raced back up to ITU and burst into her room
"Jac...." he said trying to catch his breath from running up the stairs

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