Happy New Year

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When Jac woke she rang Fletch
Hi what are you up to?
Hi she could hear the smile in his voice we're just chilling watching films, eating chocolate and slobbing out
Oh wish I could be there. Thank you so much for my breakfast and flowers
Well I thought it was the least I could do after kidnapping you and holding you hostage here over Christmas
You were hardly holding me hostage Fletch. Anyway it was lovely of you. I got back 3 hours late because there was a transplant came in last minute
It was nothing. Really. I have taken it upon myself as your future husband to look after you
Well that sounds weird - future husband
So he began it's New Years Eve and you are at work
Sorry. If I could have just been given the heads up that this was going to happen I would have swapped. If you had just, you know , told me how you felt sooner
Well that's rich coming from you he teased I did try to tell you. Anyway I want you to come here after work in the morning. I'll keep the masses quiet while you sleep but I just want to start the new year off with you
You're too good to me Fletcher. I'm not used to people caring about me like you do  Jac's voice was thick with emotion
Her life had made accepting that people cared for her a completely alien concept
Get used to it Naylor because I don't intend to stop. You're going to be sick of the sight of me
Probably she said truthfully
Seriously Jac if I do anything to make you feel uncomfortable or you want me to back off just tell me
He was so accepting of her flaws and insecurities caused by her childhood. Her heart was bursting
I'll let you know Fletch she paused thank you she said quietly
I wish I was there so I could give you a big hug
Me too. She smiled to herself I need to get ready for my shift. I will see you in the morning
Hey hang on a minute. I'm going to leave a key under the plant pot in the porch so you can just sneak in. Breakfast will be on the table then you can come and snuggle in with me oh and Jac
I love you
She laughed I love you too
Jac was again very busy all night. Not even having time to toast the new year in at midnight. Once again exhausted she walked out of the hospital. At least she'd left on time today and thought to herself how much better her day was going to get. Reaching into her bag for her car keys her hand also brushed against the small box. She slipped the ring on her finger and couldn't help laughing at the whole situation. It was almost unbelievable
She drove to Fletch's and true to his word there was fresh fruit and Danish pastries on the kitchen table.
She made herself a quick up of tea and stood nursing the cup staring out of the window in a world of her own. She nearly jumped out of her skin when a sleepy voice said "Hey you"
She turned round smiling "hi. I thought you wanted me to sneak in and snuggle in with you" she placed her cup down and wound her arms round his neck
"I was too excited to see you. Had to get up. Happy New Year Jac" he kissed her lightly on the lips
"Mmm Happy New Year" she kissed him back
"So where are we on the snuggling in with me" he whispered against her neck
"Well I probably would have been there by now if you hadn't got up you fool" she yawned
"Come on you need to sleep sweetheart"
He led her upstairs and when they got into bed almost as soon as her hair touched the pillow she fell into a deep sleep. Fletch looked at her lying next to him. Red hair splayed all on the pillow and a hand resting on his arm a leg tangled with his.
Jesus it was scary how much he loved her. He wanted to protect her. They'd been so stupid not to admit their feelings sooner. He closed his eyes contentedly. You're a lucky bastard Fletcher he said to himself

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