Really really

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Jac stared at the ring, unable to look at him
God she really wanted to say yes but they'd only been together a matter of days.
But, she argued with herself they'd pretty much been together for over a year getting closer and closer. No one else knew her better, no one ever had.
But marriage, I mean that was huge. Jac had never imagined herself as married. Her career and her daughter were all that mattered. Jac Naylor didn't do happily ever after. Jac Naylor didn't do marriage and families.
Except Jac Naylor was doing exactly that. If she married Fletch, her career wouldn't change, he loved her daughter and Emma loved him. She'd been with his family much more than Jac had and if it was Emma's happiness that was her priority then all you had to do was take one look at her, so happy with his kids. No one made any differentiation between them and her.
It seemed she was running out of excuses to say no
"Jac?" He ventured. Interrupting her internal dialogue "babe, it's fine if you're not sure. I have kind of landed it on you. I talked with Evie about this last night and she advised me to wait until you felt the same but you know me never was much good at taking sensible advice. When one of your wishes was that all this would last forever I just made a snap decision to ask but if it's too soon or you're not sure that's fine I understand, just remember how much I love you - you just need to let me know cos I'm starting to feel like a right plonker sitting here holding a ring"
Jac laughed quietly at his description of himself - that did it, she was overwhelmed with love for him and what her life could be
"I'm sure Fletch. Can't believe I'm saying this but my answer is yes"
"Oh my god - really?"
"Really"she laughed
"Really Really"
"Really really"
He slipped the ring on her finger
"Apparently you and my grandma have the same size fingers. It's almost like fate. I love you Naylor"
"I love you too Fletcher"
He pulled her into a tight embrace
"I can't believe this" he whispered against her neck
"Me either" she whispered back

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