Christmas invite

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Jac was getting stronger every day but Fletch was still on hand to help out. He didn't really need to now but came round at any opportunity.
It was a week until Christmas and he was trying to pluck up courage to ask Jac and Emma round to his to stay.
The kids still hadn't really met Jac properly although they knew and loved Emma from the times she'd stayed at Fletch's when Jac was in hospital.
One day when he'd picked Emma up from school he accepted the offer of a glass of wine.
"So what are your plans for Christmas grinch?"
"Oh I'm the grinch am I thanks" but she was laughing
"Well you're not usually full of the joys are you?"
"Ok well last year, if you remember you landed me with an alcoholic 40 yr old elf"
"Ah yes good old Ken. You made the best of it in the end and FaceTimed Emma"
"The thing is, my Christmases were shit when I was young and until I had Emma you're right I was pretty 'grinchy' but I have tried since she was born, I'm just not very good at it. Jonny's much better at it but of course he's buggered off to the states this year"
Fletch tried to push away the completely irrational jealousy he had of Jonny. That man will forever be linked to Jac. Will always be in her life
"Well Christmas at chez Fletcher is chaotic and messy but good fun and erm well" he cleared his throat "I want you to be there with us, and Sacha too if he wants..."
Dammit he was going to make her cry again
"Are you sure Fletch? You've got enough on your plate"
"The more the merrier. Was that a yes?"
"It's an if you'll have me. Sacha is going to Essie's so it will be just me and Emma"
"Great" he leant forward and kissed her. They were both just getting into it when a cheeky voice piped up
"Mummy are you Fletch's girlfriend?"
They sprang apart and Fletch left Jac to answer
"Yes I suppose I am" Jac smiled
"Ok" Emma replied and skipped off
"God why weren't we as chilled as that" Jac laughed
"I did try to tell you that kids adapt and just 'get on' with things a lot better than us."
"Well Emma certainly seems to have taken it in her stride"
"So Christmas...?"
"Fletch this is awkward" Jac blushed "where will we sleep. Oh I assume you want us to stay over "
"Sweetheart I want you to come on Christmas  Eve and stay as long as you want. Emma will bunk in with Ella and I was hoping that you would 'bunk in' with me"  he smirked
"I was hoping you would say that" she said flirtatiously
With Jac still recovering they hadn't gone further than kissing but as Jac grew ever stronger so did their desire for each other
He pulled her onto his lap and nuzzled her neck
"It's going to be an amazing Christmas Jac"
His voice vibrated against her neck causing all kinds of tingles all over her body
"Mmm I think you're right Mr Fletcher"

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