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"Morning" Fletch breezed in the next day "you look well this morning Naylor"
He bent to place a kiss on her lips
"Hi" she laughed softly "I feel well this morning. I had a good night's sleep and they've reduced the sedation and pain killers"
"And you're no longer in pain?" She heard the concern in his voice and reached for his hand
"No pain Fletch. I don't remember not having pain. It's been so long"
"You're amazing you know that right?"
"Well obviously"
"Listen, I've only got a couple of minutes so I'll pop up at lunchtime?"
"Urgh Fletch bring me something edible. The slop you get in here is disgusting"
"OK" he said cheerily "I'll get your usual. I'll see you later" settling for a squeeze of her hand as the day staff entered to do obs
Walking away he was struck yet again by how much he knew about this woman. Chicken Salad. Her usual.
Just before lunch he got a text from Jac
Meet me in pulses. Text me when you get your break Jx
????? Fx
Lol just meet me OK Jx
He texted her 20 minutes later to say he was heading down.
What's she up to he thought
He'd ordered their food and found a table and waited
The lift opened and Jac walked out using a walking frame.
Fletch nearly choked on his coffee and was overwhelmed with admiration and love for this determined woman.
She spotted him and with a full beam Naylor smile she slowly made her way over to him
"Alright Grandma" he joked
"Shut up Fletcher. Considering that it was touch and go whether I lived and touch and go whether I would be paralysed I don't think I'm doing too bad" she batted him on his arm affectionately
"You know I'm joking. This is incredible"
She sat opposite him and he leaned in so he could whisper
"I wish I could hug you, or kiss you or hold your hand"
Jac blushed "I know, but it's very public" but then she took his hand and entwined their fingers. In full view
"Jac what are you doing?" Fletch was shocked
"There's gossip about us anyway. Might as well add a little fuel to the fire" she then pulled her hand away "they won't know whether they saw that or not!"
"Ooh that's just sneaky Naylor"
"I know" she said triumphantly and started to tuck into the chicken salad he had provided

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